232. Akame/Kurome x Male Reader (True Freedom)

Start from the beginning

(Y/N): I saw you... If you don't want to attack me, then come out.

   He waited several seconds, but finally girl in his age approached him. (Y/N) looked at her, and was almost instantly caught by her beautiful red eyes. She had an emotionless face, and her eyes looked for one second at his food near the campfire.

(Y/N): Oh... You are like me in that exam... I'm (Y/N) (L/N), nice to meet you.

   Young man smiled to her, but girl just keep her eyes on him seeing that he is still having spear in hands. (Y/N) seeing that she is not sure about his intentions sighed, and placed a spear on the ground near his sleeping place.

(Y/N): Not need to worry... I see that you are hungry. I have enough fish to share.

   He sat on the ground again in front of the fire not caring what is doing that mysterious girl behind him. Somehow (Y/N) felt that she is not danger for him.

Akame: My name is Akame... Thank you for your kindness.

   She sat next to him and warmed her hands. (Y/N) handed her one of the fishes, and smiled again seeing how happy she looked. Before two of them could eat, someone rushed to them from the forest. (Y/N) saw a younger girl this time, and while she had black eyes, he knew that it is the sister of Akame.

Kurome: Food! Sis please share with me, you promised...

   (Y/N) looked between two sisters that exchanged silent words, and decided to give younger girl one of his fish. The girl smiled at him, and almost instantly started eating. He laughed with a smile, while she pouted.

   Three of them ate in silence. (Y/N) shared his water with two sisters and told Akame that it is nothing when she protested.

Kurome: I'm Kurome, Akame younger sister. Thank you mister!

   She surprised him, and Akame with the tight hug. (Y/N) with big eyes returned the hug, but saw how skinny Kurome was. Akame was still not sure what to think about (Y/N), but seeing her younger sister happy was everything she wanted.

(Y/N): It's nothing. Nice to meet you little miss, I'm (Y/N) (L/N).

   Kurome again pouted hearing him name her little and it was so adorable for (Y/N). He looked at his last fish he wanted to save for later, and without any inhibitions in mind placed it in her hands.

Kurome: Huh? I can't...

(Y/N): You need to eat to be in the future beautiful woman.

   She blushed, and looked away with her hands holding fish he gave her. Akame now knew that (Y/N) is good in his heart, and thanked him later for being kind to her younger sister. Three of them decided to stick together to survive this Empire exam.


   (Y/N) tried to patch his stomach, where some monster attacked him. Blood was on his clothes, and Akame tried to somehow help him, while Kurome was crying. She thought that it was because of her. (Y/N) was holding her in his arms, when the younger sister fell to her knees from the tired long walk.

    Three of them walked to the territory of some sort of beasts, and one of the monsters attacked them. (Y/N) protected Kurome from being hit, and at that moment Akame used his spear and hit the monster in his eye. The monster decided to escape from there not wanting to fight with them after losing one of the eyes.

(Y/N): It's fine, don't cry Kurome. You are not cute while these tears fall from your black eyes...

   She looked at him with little smile, and placed her hand on his. Akame wanted to say something, but felt sad inside. The young girl grows to like him, like her sister. Then they heard some voices coming from the nearest trees.

Females x Male Reader vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now