"I don't want to wipe my hands completely, but I think it's time I take a well needed vacation, sit back and relax. Sure when you give me a call because things aren't running nearly as smooth I'll step in and help you out." I shake my head at his teasing, smiling gently at him. "I just think it's time to let you and that man of yours figure out your places here." He said with a shrug.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He chuckled and shook his head.

"I hear him sneaking around at night, I ain't daft girly." It's my turn to chuckle and shake my head with a grin, rubbing at my neck sheepishly.

"Alright, I've been caught red handed." Papa chuckled at me before sighing and offering a smile.

"I'm going to head out to the cabin, take Fortune and her friend Onyx, for company. I won't stay out there for long, just to get my bearings straightened out. Plus I won't be able to work that way." He chuckled softly with a grin. I shook my head with a smile and stared at him, taking my time to inspect him.

"You're positive that this is what you want?" Papa nods with a smile, he glanced towards his lap, pausing to gather his thoughts.

"Yeah, this is what I want, it's time I let you take over completely, let you shine this place up into its glory. Fix the things you always nag me about, shit like that." I chuckle at that and give a slow nod.

"Alright, how long do you think you're going to be camping out in the woods?" Papa shrugs with a slight, lopsided smile.

"I don't know, a few days, maybe a week, maybe more time. I'll keep someone posted, if it's you or someone else." He glances back at me making me nod in understanding.

"I don't like it, but I don't think you give a damn on that matter." Papa gave me a grin and a wink.

"No, I don't, I've made up my mind, picked my path and this is the road I'm taking. I just want some time to myself." I can only give a slow nod.

"I guess that's that, then. Can I do anything for you before you hit the trails?" I sigh, resigned to my father's stubborn behavior.

"Don't be too hard on everyone, alright? I want to keep the hands we have, I kinda like them." I chuckle and nod, standing up with him.

"I won't be, I'll make sure to take it easy with their delicate little ego's." He grinned at her with a shake of his head.

"No need to tease them. Come on, help me get my gear loaded and tacked up. I gotta get Fortune, Onyx is already up here."

"Alright, I'll go catch Fortune for ya." I descend the stairs with him, feeling strange about this sudden decision. This couldn't have been what upset Digger so much, could it? I didn't think this would be the deciding factor, but hell, what do I really know? Papa is a mystery to all, there's nothing that I've been able to figure out other than he knows how to play poker, real fucking well. Too well in most cases.

"That sounds good, bring her up here and we can get to work." I nod, grabbing her halter as I pass, he starts coughing, making me glance at him.

"Has Dr. Murphy gotten back to you on that cough?" I walk backwards watching as he shakes his head.

"No, just some asthma symptoms that have kicked up late in life. I got an inhaler." As if to prove something he pulls out the inhaler and waves it at me making me heave a sigh and head back to the pastures. Why do I bother with him? Here lately he's been really stingy with intel, talk about making me edgy. Maybe I need to call Dr. Murphy for myself and worm some information out of him. Of course, Dr. Murphy is a man who isn't keen on letting anyone, even family in on intel. Hell, even police have to get warrants, judges and just about everyone involved before he coughs up the bare necessities of information.

At least he's trustworthy. I want to hate the man, but I really admire his standpoint, keeping things close. One of the reasons I go to him. I enter the pasture and grab Fortune, smiling as I take a good long few minutes to give her love, kissing her ear as she nuzzled my hand. Your first horse is always special. Fortune is my baby girl, even in her old age, she's my heart horse.

I've had her for so many years, it'll be painful putting her down. Putting any of these horses down. I'm the type of person that bonds for life with horses, anytime I have to put one down it tears me up. I'm a softy under this Kevlar shell. "Come on girly, Papa wants to take you on a trail." She snorts and stomps her foot at me, making me chuckle and click my tongue walking with her. Yeah, I don't much like it either but I have nothing else I can do. He's just as stubborn as I am, if not more, and that's a scary thought.

I walk up to the barn at a leisurely pace, taking our time to enjoy the view. I'll miss not seeing her face in the pasture when I go to fetch someone to work. By the time we make it to the barn Onyx is already tacked up with his backs, helping Fortune carry the load. He stands in the cross ties, almost passed out asleep. "Took you long enough Kota." Papa said to me as I paused and rolled my eyes.

"You're taking my baby on the ride, don't come at me and play all innocent." He chuckled and shook his head with a lopsided grin.

"Look at you being all soft and squishy." I shake my head at him.

"Don't even go there Papa, you get squishy all the time, I'm allowed to have my moments." Ryan snorted as he passed carrying bales of hay.

"Yeah, he's just as squishy as you are when you've been overseas for six months." I shake my head as I tie her up, cleaning hooves and brushing her out.

"How long are you keeping her from me? You know I have to see her every morning or it's gonna go to hell in a handbasket." Papa gives me a look with an arched brow.

"Now you're superstitious? Now that's a new one to be hearing about." I snorted at him, giving him a look.

"That's not new, I just know it's true, if too many days pass I get worried about my sweet girl, I don't like hanging around with that ball of worry." That never makes good bedfellows, especially when working with youngsters needing to be taught lessons.

"Oh get your britches out of a knot, I know how to take care of horses, I've been in this game longer than you have, we'll be fine." I shake my head with a slight smile, tacking her up and getting her packs situated.

"She's my girl, that's all I'm going to be saying." My sweet, baby girl. Why can't he take someone else? I don't know, maybe it's to just jab it in deeper. His horse is perfectly fine, Finley is a spur youngin, he'd be perfect. The thought makes me want to grumble. I just can't win.

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