I wanted to complain to him, but then I saw the lights shining from the park and I couldn't help myself, I squealed in excitement as I saw an ice cream truck as well as a cotton candy machine right in front of us.

There were so many rides in here like merry go rounds, water slides, and so many more that I couldn't name but looked really exciting. I looked around all the rides unsure of which one to go on first and that was when I decided to choose the one which took you up and brought you down really fats, I don't know what it's called.

I ran up to the ride as I pulled Carter along with me.

We ran around the park as we hopped in from rides to rides until I was finally exhausted. I smiled in happiness at how much I had enjoyed this night, this week for that matter, good things were finally happening to me and I wanted to keep it that way.

I sat down on a bench with Carter by my side as we looked at the blue sky in happiness.

"You look really beautiful Kendra" Carter said as I leaned my head into his chest with his arms wrapped around me.

"Thank you" I said as I looked up at him with a smile on my face.

"I'm really happy we did this Carter, all these time I had been scared and worried not knowing what to do, and my mind was always occupied with something, like was I going to die today, was I going to get attacked today, a lot had happened to us recently that we all forgot what it was like to just enjoy and have fun, and honestly, this few days we have spent together has been the best one I have had in months and I really don't want things like this to end, so thank you very much for being here with me always." I said to him honestly with a smile on my face as I lifted my head up and stared at him through my lashes.

"I love you to Kendra and I will always be here for you, and even when you are not by my immediate side, I will wait for you for an eternity" he said as I got a sudden flashback.

"I will wait for you for an eternity Chay-ara, come back to me".

They sounded so alike that it was weird. I thought as I felt him lean down closer to me as his lips touched mine, it was like an explosion happened in my body as I felt his tongue slip into mine, I moaned in pleasure as his arms moved behind my neck and pulled me closer to him, it was like we were one, our bodies and mind, everything, we felt totally connected and I couldn't describe the feeling, I couldn't think about anything else except for him and his warm lips which were currently moving down my neck.

I moaned out loud as I felt hot down below, I quickly pulled away from him as I blushed hardly at the noise I just made, "I want you so bad" he said into my ear as he leaned closer into my neck causing another sound to leave my mouth.

"Me too" I said as I sighed into his neck. "We need to stop" I said pulling away from him breathlessly as I took in deep breaths. I suddenly remembered that we were not alone here and turned around and luckily the bodyguard were facing the other way, but I was a hundred percent sure they heard me.

I groaned out loud as I buried my face into Carters chest trying to hide my blush as I punched him lightly. He laughed out loud at my reaction as I blushed deeper into his chest.

"It's not funny" I said to him as he laughed louder at me.

"It kinda is" he said as I pulled my face away from his chest and looking at him dead on in the yes.

As I stared at him, I felt all sorts of emotions spin through me and all I knew at this moment was that I wanted him, and I wanted him badly.

"Would you like to leave now? Aria's not gonna be home tonight" I whispered into his ear breathlessly as he understood the underlying meaning.

He held my waist tightly as he stared at me deeply with lust in his eyes, "Are you sure you know what you're saying" he said as he gave me feathered kisses on my neck. "I'm sure" I said to him as I stood up and pulled him with me. he held me by the waist as we started walking towards the direction of the exit.

The bodyguards noticed that we were leaving so they followed behind us as we walked with Carters arm around my waist as we walked.

I don't know what happened next only that one minute we were walking and the next someone bumped into us and it felt like something was pricked into my skin.

I looked down at my arm as Carter held me steady and saw nothing there, I turned to the guy who bumped us and then I was met with a pair of light grey eyes staring back at me.

I gasped at the sight as I knew I had met him before, I don't know why but when I saw him, all I was overcome with was fear. I stopped in my tracks as Carter stopped also along with the bodyguards and that's when Carter turned and took a look at him.

I knew this man. I said to myself as I stared at his long brown hair and his chiselled jaw. All of a sudden, I didn't want to be in the park anymore. Suddenly I was overcome with flashes as I remembered who he was.

It was HIM.

The first time I saw him I was about 15 years old, he kidnapped me, but that was impossible, he looked the exact same way, how is that possible, I gasped in fear as I looked at my bodyguard in fear.

"It's him, he's the one who attacked me" I yelled as I pushed myself into Carters arm. I don't know why I couldn't remember any of the encounters I had with him or why I was remembering it now, but all I knew was that he hurt me, and I was scared.

Immediately I said it, my bodyguards quickly pulled out their guns as one of them pulled out their phone to call the cops. I don't know what happened but then they started fighting, I didn't know what was happening and the next thing I knew I saw Carter bring out a gun from his back pocket and walk towards them.

What the hell is going on, why does he have a gun, since when did he own a gun.

I was overwhelmed with my thoughts that I had no idea what was going around me anymore, I could hear groans all around me and then I heard it. Gunshots. 3 shots were fired, and I was too scared to look at who was hit.

I bent down low on the ground as I gasped for breath, I looked at the ground with my hands covering my ear as I stared trying to count to calm myself down with tears running down my eyes.

It didn't work and suddenly I started seeing different images flash through my eyes as I felt a heavy migraine pounding at my skull and then it all went black.

REINCARNATION: The story of usWhere stories live. Discover now