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-Parcel 9-

My eyes felt extremely heavy, and I had a pounding headache when I felt someone nudging my arm and the hair that was spread across my face being moved.

Once I managed to open my cloudy eyes I saw a mass of blonde hair and those bright blue eyes. JJ. I tried to ask him what happened, but the only sound that left my mouth was a small murmur type whine.

He helped me sit up as I looked around, we were still on the Crain property, that's all I could remember, reaching a heavy hand up I touched the back of my head where the throbbing, aching pain was coming from. When I pulled my hand back there were specks of blood on my fingertips.

"What happened?!" John B shouted running over to the two of us. I kept squeezing my eyes shut and opening them wide to try to get rid of the cloudy white colour taking over my vision.

"I don't know man, I just found her like this!" JJ replied, as I looked around the floor, I had no clue what happened either, I was walking... back to John B...

"What happened, Codes?" The brunette boy asked as the pair of them helped me to my feet, I was leaning on JJ as he held me up by an arm around my waist.

"I-I must've tripped, I heard you shout and I was walking to you... I-I don't know... there must've been a rock or something" I nodded looking around for said rock.

"Are you okay?" The only form of reply I could give to the blonde boy was a nod with my eyes closed, I was still out of it, but I could process what he was saying.

"Well, I think I found something, coming?" John B asked motioning for JJ to help me, we made our way towards a gap in the side of the house.

"Oh my god. What happened?" Kie asked walking over to me, stopping in front of me to look at my dazed state, my hooded eyes as I kept my head down. My head felt heavy, and it ached like no headache I've ever had before.

"She fell over there," JJ told her pointing behind us, I nodded slightly as Kie turned to Pope.

"Do you know first aid?!"

"I'm a scholar, not a medic!"

"Right, 'cause that's useful!"

"Everyone shut up. Come on." John B told us before crawling through the small door. I let go of JJ and held onto the small door to crawl in after him. Once inside I sat against an old rotting beam, slapping my arm as a mosquito landed on it. Then another on my leg.

"Down came Mrs Crain and cut off all our heads"

I mentally rolled my eyes at the boy before looking up at the ceiling, searching for any sign of water, there was nothing, not even the old rusty pipes showed any signs of water. This place was truly haunting, there were broken cribs and mould everywhere.

"Out came the sun and dried up all the blood"

"Will you....stop?" Pope warned pointing his torch at the boy. I laughed under my breath as I realised I was sat next to some weird old Jack in the box.

"Another dead end?" Kie asked sounded defeated, and angry.

"There's not even water on the pipes"

𝐹𝑜𝑜𝓉 𝒾𝓃 𝐵𝑜𝓉𝒽 𝒲𝑜𝓇𝓁𝒹'𝓈           || OUTERBANKSWhere stories live. Discover now