Chapter 13

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I wake before the sun and Levi, grab my supplies and saddle Passion. As I am riding out of the barn Levi stops me, “I expect you'll be gone most of the day again?’ I nod my head as he looks over the things I have brought, “I feel bad for the guy your going after but I wish you luck and safety, Just don’t be stupid and keep your wits about ya.” I shake his hand and lope out of the yard. 
Carefully following the marks I had made just a few days earlier I make my way back to the place of my physical and emotional torturer. I tie Passion up at the same place as before and unload my things. Quietly but quickly I walk to the porch of the cabin, placing the trap slightly in front of the door, I make sure it is covered with leaves. I then hide myself on the cabin’s side and wait patiently.
After a few of the longest hours I have ever experienced I hear the door creak open on it’s rusty hinges. A yawn. A snap. A yelp. Curses fly from the mouth of my catch, my stiffened legs cause me to stumble causing Butch’s attention to land on me. “YOU! I know you! What do you want from me?Who are you?” I raise back up and stand tall with the gun in my hands. Terror spreads across his face.
“W...W...What do you want with me? I ain’t ever done nothing to you.” He gasps for air as the pain from the trap spreads up his leg. I growl and throw down the wolf fur I bought yesterday. “Seriously, you're coming after me for shooting a wolf?” I shake my head and cock the gun. “Well then what is this... “ He stops himself and looks at me in horror, “There’s no way. Is God sending demons to punish me for my sinful ways.” he cries out. 
I aim the gun at his face and he begins praying for forgiveness, I lower the gun unable to murder this man without giving him a fair chance. I grab the chain attached to the trap forcing his foot into the air, he howls out in pain. “Please, Ryker, forgive me, I was drunk and messed up. Please.” I roughly drop his foot from the trap and point to the wood line, point at him, then hold up one finger. Before I can blink he fumbles off the porch and begins half running half dragging himself towards the woods. After counting a full minute I take aim. 
As my breath leaves me the bullet leaves the barrel. Butch drops to the ground. A shaky breath escapes between my lips and I lower the gun, my whole body going limp and shaking. I slowly walk back to Passion, not bothering to check on Butch. I figured he got what was coming, if he was only wounded then I was not meant to kill him. I ride back to the cabin and put Passion in the barn. Levi sees me in the state I am in and grabs the rifle from my hands, “Let’s get you inside and washed up.” He draws a bath for me and leaves me. I cry and then go numb. After washing I quietly fall into my bed and instantly get some much needed sleep. Levi wakes me for supper. He is silent the entire time.
We rise with the sun and I prepare to go back to the village. I ask to use Passion and Levi doesn’t hesitate to let me use her. Before mounting I walk her outside and tie her to the arena where Levi is working a horse. He stops as soon as he catches sight of me. He can see the sorrow leaking from my eyes, “Is this goodbye then?” he inquiries. I nod my head and grip the rail trying not to let my sadness show. Levi comes out of the arena, we shake hands and he grins, “We have had some interesting times and I hope you find peace wherever it is your gonna end up.” A smile spreads across my face and I leap onto Passion, “Keep the horse.” I glance up surprised and he just shakes his head. “She wouldn’t be happy without ya.” He waves us off and we head for the village.
Listens to Horses is attempting to sit a rather headstrong mare as we ride up, “Hello my dear friend he yells out.” The moment of distraction gives the mare the upper hand and he crashes into the water. Mumbling under his breath and soaking wet he walks over to me, “If you can’t tell I miss having you around.” I chuckle and follow him to the main village. Many of the people greet me, gladening my heart. I walk into Moon Tellers Wigwam and his eyes brighten. 
Once the person leaves he wraps me in a tight bear hug. “It has been too long.” he proclaims. Using the basic Indian sign I know I tell him of my adventures and what I wish to follow. “Are you sure? It could be dangerous.” He warns. I look to the side and nod my head. “Well, give me a day and then I can help you.” I smile and jump up. “I’m afraid your old wigwam is being used but it is warm enough you could find some cover and start a fire.” He informs me. I thank him and head back outside.

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