saying goodbye

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Tws: death? but you knew that lol

*Nicks (sapnaps) pov*

it had been the day of their funerals. It had been exactly a week since they passed. It was tragic. They were together now, and maybe they will finally be happy. I put on my black suit, and black tie. Slipped my feet into my dress shoes, tired of them, and left. About 10 minutes later I arrived at the funeral. I saw Tommy and Tubbo sitting next to Phil crying. they flew out just for the funeral, all for Clay and George. Clay and George didn't think anyone cared about them, so now they were gone. But little did they know that some of those people that 'hated them' or 'didn't like them' would spend thousands of dollars just to come say goodbye, and they couldn't even see their lifeless bodies. soon after I sat down it was time for my speech.

"Hey everyone, thanks for coming. I know this is hard for everyone, it's hard for me too. I just wanted to tell you guys that I'm always here for you, if you ever need anything, and I mean anything, I'm always here. Clean George of my best friends. I would do anything to have them back. I had only just met George in real life for the first time about 2 to 3 weeks ago. But we've been friends for years before that. And Clay... Clay and I have been best friends since we were like 12. He was my friend when no one else would be. They were truly the best friends I could ask for. They helped me through everything, and I wish I could've done the same for them. I just want them to know that I love them, and it won't be the same without them here. I love you guys, rest easy." I said, my voice cracking in tears running down my face. My best friends were truly gone, forever. And I couldn't do anything about it.

"Would anyone else like to say anything?" The man who owned the funeral home said. Tommy stood up.

"I would, if that's okay"

"Go ahead" Tommy's face was just stained with old tears, new ones still falling occasionally. Tubbo was left sitting alone, but not completely alone Phil was still sitting on the bench with him, just not as close as Tommy was.

"dre- I um- Clay. Play the song incredible. Code for days at a time, he would never stop until he got it right. He brought all of us together, if it wasn't for him I probably wouldn't of met any of you, so thank you for that big man. And Gogy, I didn't know you very well but I would say we were friends, whenever we would have any 'lore' streams you were either sleeping or clueless. You were so funny and I love you. And guys guess what? I was friends with georgenotfound" he let out a small chuckle and then sat back down next to tubbo.

The fans reactions was probably the saddest. At first no one believed it, but after a few hours they knew. They knew the Clay George were gone. people were tweeting their condolences saying "oh I'm so sorry for your loss." Or "they will be missed." Even "I know it's hard, but we will be okay." they had no idea how hard it was. My best friends were gone.

The machine that put them into the ground came, first they lowered Georgia's casket, then covered in dirt. Next they lowered clays next to him, soon his was covered in the damp dirt too. everyone stayed for a little bit but left after being there for not too long. I was left alone. I walked over to my truck and opened the back driver door. Blue and green flower bouquets. I took the blue bunch and placed it on Georgia's grave by his headstone. I next took the green Bunch and placed it on to Clays grave.

"Rest easy guys, I love you"I said while walking away. I got in my truck and started driving home. It was going to be okay, it wasn't right now, but it would be eventually.

and that's a wrap! Go check out my other book called 'the after' when it's published (should be tomorrow). I love you guys so much. Pog through the pain :) also this chapter literally broke me to write.

With love,

-Seven <3

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