chapter 17

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Tws/ small authors note please read: you read it last chapter. ALSO this is a really really long chapter compared to what I usually write so yeah buckle up. i'm also gonna ask you to all listen to the song Tired by Beabadoobee before reading this chapter, thanksss.

*Clays pov*

I was awake the whole time. I saw everything.

I saw George writing the note. I saw him fold up the white piece of paper covered in Inc. I saw him put it in his backpack. I saw him crying. Then I saw him crawl in the bed with me. He fell asleep instantly when he's had his pillow. The pronounce face was stained with what was once tears. I waited a few minutes to make sure he was asleep before getting up to go see what note had said. I slowly got out of our bed and walked over to his backpack taking the note out.


fuck you. You were never there and when you were you were only there for my money. I wish you never came back, it was easier with you gone. You hated everything about me; how I dress, who I loved, my hobbies, everything. You only 'loved' me for my money. how does it feel to know I hated your guts. how does it feel knowing that you're one of the reasons I'm doing this. how does it feel to know that you're the reason that mom is fucking gone. Fuck you, I hope you rot in hell, I'll see you there.


Tears were streaming down my face. What was he planning on doing? George was so excited for Disney though... Surely he wasn't planning on doing anything stupid. I don't know what I would do without him. I folded the note back up and put it back in the backpack. I wasn't gonna lie, I was in the same headspace. I didn't want to be here either I felt like my life was coming to a close. I fell back into the bed and fell asleep.

*Georges pov*

When I woke up Clay was in the kitchen making coffee.

"Pack your suitcase Georgie, we're going to Disney in an hour"

"Why would I pack, you live like 15 minutes away from the park."

"I have a little surprise for you, we're staying the night at a hotel... That's all I'm saying"

"Okay! Sounds good." I walked into our bedroom and packed a blue flannel, gray hoodie, and black sweatpants back into my suitcase. As I put my laptop and chargers in my backpack I found the note. The note that said I was going to kill myself because of my dad. I mean I was, but not right now. I pushed the no all the way to the bottom of my bag and put everything else on top of it in an attempt to hide it.

"Okay, I'm ready to go! Disney here we come!!" I yelled to Clay, who was still in the kitchen.

"Okay give me a few minutes and we can leave"

"Okay." After walking outside I put my bag in the trunk of Clays car.

*20 minutes later*

We were driving to Disney.

"How much longerrr" I nagged.

"Five minutes, okayy, were almost there."

"It feels like we've been driving forever, especially when you drive like a grandpa" I scoffed.

"Oh whatever, at least I can drive. And plus it's only been like 10 minutes drama queen" he remarked.

*Clays pov*

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