chapter two

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Trigger warning- Eating disorders, emetophobia (fear of throw up)

After what felt like hours of driving to Clay's house they finally pulled in. George was in awe. Clay's house was huge. His house was 2 stories with light blueish gray paint on the outside. The yard was beautiful. There were flowers all over the grass.

"Do you need any help with your bags?"

"yeah" George replied while handing Clay one of his suitcases. As they enter Clay introduces George to patches.

"so whatcha think"

"it's a really nice house Clay. but um where can I put my things"

"Uhm so about that, I converted the guest bedroom into a storage room since no one ever came to visit me until now. You can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on the couch"

"Oh, don't be ridiculous I can sleep on the couch"

"George, I'm not letting you sleep on the couch, you can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on the couch or we can both sleep in my bed, I think we'll both fit"

"Okay sounds good"


"I'm kinda hungry, that was a long flight. What are we having for dinner?"

Clay was hungry. but he couldn't eat now. he's with the boy of his dreams if he ate he would be fat and George wouldn't date someone who's fat. Besides he was doing so well. He only ate once a day and worked out every night. this had been going on for months now. Clay had lost over 18 kg. If George had known what he looked like before he lost weight he might have been worried, but because he'd never seen Clay before he thought this was what he normally looked like.

"Oh um I didn't plan anything so we can just get takeout or something"

"Okay sounds good ba- I mean Clay" George was flustered by his mistake. but everyone makes mistakes like this right? everyone accidentally calls their best friend that they've been madly in love with since the day they started talking babe. right? George didn't want Clay to know about his feelings for him. at least not yet anyway.

"Okay, whatever weirdo" They both chuckle.

"So where do you want to eat gogy?" At this point, Clay was practically praying that George picked somewhere he could just get a salad.

"Oh! I saw this place on the way here I think its called Shake Shack or something like that, it had a cool name so I wanted to see if we could check it out" Clay suddenly felt sick to his stomach. the thought of all the grease on the burger mixed with the number of calories in the bun; how could he tell George that if he ate a burger he would end up throwing it up later? he couldn't. he couldn't break Georges's heart like that...

"Oh um sure, sounds good" Clay decided that he couldn't tell George. if he did tell George then it would be the same thing that happened when he told Bad, and Sap, and Will. The same thing always happens when people find out. they force him to eat, stop exercising and would stay with him for a while. Will was the one who cared most. He stayed with Clay for 3 months helping him 'recover' but it didn't work. It never worked. After they left he just slipped back into his old habits. skipping meals, counting calories, constantly exercising, even purging.

Clay threw on his dark blue hoodie and put on his black Nikes, George was already on his way to the car at this point because clay couldn't find his hoodie.

"Clayyyyy hurryyyy, I'm hungryyy" George yelled from outside the door. Clay quickly ran out the door with only his wallet and keys.

"Cominggg your highness" Clay loved teasing people, especially George. It was one of the only things that helped him feel not so alone in the world. the dark. empty. world. On their way to shake shack, they decided to put on the radio and sing along.

" 'cause baby your a fiiiiirework, come on let your cooooolllors show" they were both singing and laughing. This was the first time Clay had felt this happy in a long time. They arrived at shake shack. Clay could feel it in his gut that he wasn't going to make it through this meal.

"What are you gonna get Clay?"

Clay was put on the spot. He couldn't think of anything he wanted to eat. He wasn't prepared to answer the question so he responded with a mere "I don't know yet". phew. he almost blew it.

"Hi, what can I get for you guys?"

"I'll have a cheeseburger with medium french fries and a strawberry shake" George was excited about his shake, he wasn't paying attention to Clay at all.

"Um ill just have a hamburger with lettuce and water" Clay was beyond nervous to eat the burger.

"Okay, that'll be 16.27, for here or to go?

"to go" Clay replied. there's no way he could ever eat in a restaurant full of people. They grabbed their food after the worker called out their order number. They hopped in the car.

"Clay can I ask you something" Clay's heart started beating faster than he thought was possible.

"y- yeah George what's up"

"Why did you only get a hamburger with lettuce? I know that you're a picky eater, but you didn't even want a cheeseburger?" Clay could hear the shakiness in Georges's voice. Almost like he wanted to cry.

"Oh, um" he was put on the spot again. I didn't want a burger at all but he couldn't tell George that. he wouldn't tell George that.

"I'm just not really that hungry right now and I didn't want to have a stomach ache later so I figured id probably just eat this. Its nothing to worry about gogy"

"Are you sure Clay, because Will told me about this when he came to visit over the summer and it didn't sound like 'nothing to worry about'? I love you clay and I worry about you. Please if you need help just ask I promise I won't leave." did George just say he loved me? if only he knew that I loved him. if only gogy knew that he wanted to be more than friends. I already have my feeling for him figured out. I KNOW that I love him and that I want to be with him, but I also know he doesn't want me back.

"George I'm fine, I promise" Clay faked a smile. Was he convincing enough to fool george?

"Okay fine, but the bathroom is going to be locked for 30 minutes after we're done eating until I can trust you"

"That's ridiculous"

"Its what's gonna happen until I can trust you"

Clay was holding back tears. What was he supposed to do? George was going to watch him eat and then lock the bathroom after.

They were home. George brought the food inside and put it on the table. They both sat down right away and George started eating. Clay wanted to die in this moment. He had to finish the burger. For George.

"George, can I ask you something?"

"sure, what's up?"

"Do you like me, like how I like you" Clay could not believe the words that just came out of his mouth. He only said this to get the attention off of him eating onto another subject.

"Clay, you know that I love you. Like I really love you, I have since the day we were introduced to each other..."



"Would you maybe want to be my boyfriend?"

"Oh my god... I thought you'd never ask"



They talked over dinner. Clay did it. He finished the burger. And he didn't purge after, he didn't even want to. All he wanted was for George to be happy.

*time skip to around 10 pm*

Clay crawled into bed, George following him. George was so tired he fell asleep in Clay's arms. This was the best day of Clay's life.

Hey guys!! thank you so much for 2 reads!! It really means a lot to me :D This chapter took me so long to write (1436 words). So the next one might not be out for 1-3 days depending on how long the next chapter is. I was also extremely tired writing the end of this chapter and didn't proofread it so if you find any mistakes I'm sorry. If you guys have any feedback I'd love to hear it!!

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