chapter four

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Before you start reading the next part of this story I'd like to say thank you to all of you for 50 reads. this is honestly so crazy I never thought my story would get anywhere and it means the world to me that you guys are liking it. alright, that's it :) here's chapter four.

Tws: Mentions of eating disorders. Remember I love you all and if you need someone to talk to feel free to message me :)

*Clays pov*

He knew. he knew everything that happened. he was going to try to help but it won't work. and after he leaves just like wil and sap I can end everything just like I've wanted to for years. I can set my soul free of this awful body that I never asked for.


"yes?" it was early in the morning but still, I felt nothing. nothing but numbness.

"are you even gonna try to let me help you"

"George I ate a burger for you. a burger. I haven't eaten a burger in over a year. of course, I'll try" stop. I need to stop lying to him. I'm not gonna try. I know I'm not gonna try. I know how stubborn I am and I know it drives everyone away. I just don't want to hurt George. I love him, I really do. Maybe he will help, but I'm not getting my hopes up because I thought the same thing about wil. And wil fucking left me. He won't even speak to me unless we're streaming. Honestly, I'm surprised Twitter hasn't noticed yet because even when we stream it's never just us, George or Niki or someone was always there. But I didn't care about Wil as much as I do George.

"Good, because I'm not giving up on you, I- I love you Clay, and I'm not like wil and sap."

"I um" fuck. I hesitated.

"I love you too Georgie"

"Clay you don't have to say it if you don't want to"

"I do want to because I love you, George"

*sorry this chapter was so short (404 words) I've been really busy but the next chapter should be out this weekend or early next week. this chapter was just kind of a filler but the next one will be better i promise. i love you all and thank you so much also, #193 IN EATING DISORDERS WHATTTT

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