chapter 6

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OMG THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR OVER 600 READS WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK THANK YOU SO MUCH. Brace yourself for this chapter, there will be angst <3

KINDA MAJOR TW FOR SUICIDE THIS CHAPTER!! OTHER TWS: Mentions of drugs, and mentions of eating disorders

*clays pov*

The movie was about to end, so it was time to text dude. He couldn't know that I was dream though so I had to use my secret account.


Hey, can you meet me at the park on South
and Shore? I need 2 edibles?


Yeah I gotcha man
Be there in 20

Perfect. That's enough time for the movie to end and to walk to the park with George.

"Okay everyone say Merry Christmas" played from the tv.

"Why did you put on a movie about a closeted lesbian bringing her girlfriend home to her parents?"

"Oh uh, Niki suggested it so I figured it must be a decent movie. I think it was alright but there was definitely some stereotypical 'gay' shit in there"

"Yeah, I agree. it was decent, I liked the kids, they were little pricks" we both laughed. those kids were such bastards, like they can be perfectly behaved at a table full of adults but they can't even knock on a door before they walk in. Like what's up with that.

"Soooo you ready to go to the park?" I was a little nervous but mostly exited. Ive met dude before so that wasnt what was making me nervous.

"Yeah I'll go put my shoes on and we can go." George was happy. And him being happy made me happy. He put his shoes on, hightop white converse. I grabbed my black Nikes slide my feet and tied the laces. George followed me to my bedroom so we could grab out jackets. I gave pathces a few pets then said goodbye to him and told him we would be home shortly. I stepped out first and a cold autumn breeze greeted me as soon as I got outside.

"I don't even really need a jacket, it's actually quite nice outside." Was he crazy or something!? It was only like 50 degrees outside!!

"Are you crazy!?" I asked him seeming like I was joking which I only kinda was.

"Um no? Its so much colder in London."

"How did I forget you're not as used to the hot weather as me?" How did I forget? It's not like he has a completely different accent than me which constantly reminds me of the fact we arent from the same place or anything. We were almost to the park when dude texted me.


Oh and stop calling me 'dude' it's
not my name.


Oh then what do
I call you by then


It's Alex.


Got it.

George and I arrived at the park a few minutes after alex texted me.

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