chapter 15

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Tws: Ed, mentions of Georges dad (iykyk)

*Georges pov*

"George what the hell!?"

"I don't have time to explain, follow me."

"Okay?" He replied. We ran. We ran around the block towards the back of the hotel. I looked behind us and didn't see my dad so I assumed we were safe.

"Dude what- the hell- happened-?" He said while taking shaky breaths in between his words.

"I saw- my dad-" I replied, also trying to catch my breath.

"Oh my- god" His breath starting to regulate again.

"Yeah, it's okay. Let's go inside." we walked around the front of the building and went inside. We walked into the elevator watching as the two doors closed slowly. Phew. We got away from him, and I don't think he saw us.

"Thanks for trusting me back there," I told Clay.

"No, thank you, I don't know what your dad looks like so I wouldn't of been able to warn you that he was near us." The elevator doors open and we walked up to a room. Clay slid the room key into the slot and it opened.

"Well that was definitely a day I won't forgetand " police said laughing slightly.

"Very funny" I said also laughing a bit.

"So, what do you think about going to Disney?"

"I still can't believe we're actually going"

"Well we are" Clay said as he smiled, I smiled with him.

"Well I'm so excited thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Oh, and don't forget, our flight leaves at 6:30 AM tomorrow."

"Okay I'll set an alarm, and I'm excited too!" He pulled out his phone and set an alarm for 5:30 AM. The time we had to leave by. I set an alarm for 5 AM so we could wake up and have time to get ready.

It was about 12 PM. Lunchtime. We needed to eat. We promised each other that we would recover together.

"It's lunchtime, let's get some food." Clay said, he knew we had to do this.

"Okay, what do you want to get?"

"Room service?"

"Sounds good" I replied.

"They have a bunch of stuff, I think I'm going to get the chicken wings"

"Okay I'll get the chicken wings too."

"What sauce?" He asked.

"Barbecue" I responded.

"Okay," a few minutes later he responded with:

"They said it will be here in 20 minutes"

"Okay." Did I want to eat it? No. Was I going to eat it? Yeah. Was it for myself or for Clay? Clay, I want to make him happy and show him that I can eat normally and he doesn't have to worry about me. About 25 minutes later there was a knock on our door signaling the room service was there. I open up the door and there was a bag with her food and a receipt stable to the handle of the plastic bag.

"Clay, the foods here"

"Okay, I'll be out in a sec" he yelled from the bathroom. I grab the bag and set it on the desk inside our room. About two minutes later Clay came out of the bathroom in sweats in a yellow hoodie with a smile on it, his dirty blonde hair was still wet.

"Food" I said while handing him the white Styrofoam box.

"Thanks, I'm hungry."

"Me too."

"Well let's eat" he said is if he didn't have and eating disorder. Without another word he opened his takeout box and took out a piece of chicken covered in barbecue sauce and took a bite. Was he actually doing better, or was he just doing this to make me feel better? I did the same ripping the meat off the bone. (ew I hate writing about people eating meat- a vegetarian).
20 minutes later both of us had barbecue sauce all over the outside of our mouths and our hands.

"You got a little something on your face" Clay said while pointing at my mouth.

"Well yeah, so do you" I said well we both laughed and I pointed out his face.

"Touché" he replied. We washed off her face is in hands in the bathroom. After that we didn't do much just packed up our stuff for tomorrow.

"All right I think that's everything."

"Yeah, I think so too"

"Are you sure you're ready to leave London forever?" Was I ready? No. Was I ready to live with Clay? Yes, but nervous. I wasn't ready to leave yet, but I had to.

"Yeah, I'm excited to move in with you!" I mean technically I wasn't lying, I just wasn't telling all of the truth.

"Me too!" Clay said excitedly.

*Time skip to 11 pm*

*Clays pov*

I was so tired, even though all we did was go get coffee and pack today.

"I think I'm gonna go to bed, we have to leave pretty early tomorrow."

"Yeah, me too, I'm pretty tired as well." I crawled into bed, George following me wrapping his arms around my chest with his head on my shoulder.

"Good night baby, I love you" I told the brunette. He mumbled for a few moments until he could form a sentence.

"Good night, I love you too Clay" He replied in his soft sleepy voice.

Short chapterrr. Why is George lowkey becoming the main character lol oops. not saying that's a bad thing but like yk. anyway London arc ending next chapter :/ But they'll be going to Disney soon... so that's cool. This book is coming to a close soon and it's making me sad. I love you guys and hope you'll read my other fanfics when I start writing/publishing them, they will be a DreamSMP/dnf, My next book is actually kind of a continuation of this book. Now it's my turn to pog through the pain... Love you all and you also should pog through the pain.
[wc: 952]

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