chapter 13

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Tws: none? pog!

*Clays pov*

"Yeah, so, what do you want to do tomorrow?" George asked. I want to go home. I don't want to have to think about seeing his dad anymore.

"Maybe just chill in the hotel room? I don't want to risk seeing your dad..."

"Oh come on, we'll be fine. We should at least go walk around the city, this is your first time in London, I want you to remember it." He said in a loving tone.

"Yeah, because I'm not gonna remember breaking into my boyfriend's house to get his shit so he can run away from his abusive alcoholic father? I don't think ill ever forget it, Georgie."

"Well if you want to be all technical about it..."

"It's fine, we can go do something, I just don't want to be out and about all day," I stated. I didn't really want to go out at all, but if it made George happy then I guess we had to, because I like it when George is happy. It makes me happy.

"Okay! We can go get coffee then, I know this new spot that sells coffee and baked goods! It'll be perfect."

"Sounds good"

*Georges pov*

The dirty blonde didn't know, but I had a little surprise for him. We could go get coffee and a loaf of bread from the bakery and then go feed the ducks at a little pond I used to go to. It was getting late, but I wasn't all that tired, I just kinda wanted to watch a movie or stream or something to pass the time. That's when I remembered that I had my laptop in my backpack and I thought Clay had his too.

"Hey, Clay?"

"Yea babe, what's up?"

"Will you play Minecraft with me while I stream?"


"Wait really?"

"Sure why not"

"Cool, let's start the stream then"

*Clays pov*

He let out excited giggles and pulled out his laptop loading into Minecraft. I didn't the same while he started up his stream. Soon enough he was live.

"Hello there chat! Before we get started, I want to introduce someone and explain why there won't be a face cam today, and there won't be for a little while until I figure some things out."

"Hey guys, what's up?" I said. The internet now knowing that I was actually with George.

"So if you guys don't already know who that is, it's the one and only dream. He flew to London yesterday and the two of us are flying back to Florida on Monday." By this point, chat was going absolutely insane.

User2835624: dnf confirmed?
Addiewasnottaken: This explains so much

*Incoming discord call from BIG T*

"Oh god, Tommy's calling," George said seemingly annoyed.

*Georges pov*

"WHY WASN'T I INVITED BITCH??? HMMMM????" Tommy yelled through the call.

"Tommy you're 16, it would've been weird."

"Yeah, Tomathy" Clay chimed in.

"OH SHUT UP YOU STUPID OLD FUCKS, I DIDNT WANT TO COME ANYWA-" I hung up the call and started to play Minecraft on the smp. After a few minutes, Clay gt bored because he was stuck in prison. I loaded u a different world and we started doing a live manhunt with just the 2 of us. After 2 or 3 hours Clay finally beat the ender dragon and I warped up the stream.

"It was so nice to be streaming again, it's been too long. Anyway, Dream is there anything you wanted to say before I end stream?"

"I kinda wanted to address all of the dnf confirmed messages in chat and even some of the donos. George and I-"

"And that's all for today, love you all, byeeee" I ended the stream before he could say anything else.

"Hey what was that all about? You didn't even let me say goodbye!" He said with a frown growing on his face.

"I don't want anyone to know about us yet, it's our little secret for now."

"I wasn't gonna say anything about us, at least not like that. I was gonna tell them we were just friends, but I'll just tweet about it instead I guess."

"Oh sorry"

"It's okay, I should've told you what I was gonna say first."

Hey guys, George ended his stream before I could say anything, about all of the 'dnf confirmed' donos and messages in chat. I just wanted to say thank you for all the support if George and I were dating. Unfortunately, we aren't, and neither of our boundaries have changed, we are still fine with everything for things like fanart and fanfictions! We love you guys :)

I read the tweet to George.

"No, I dont want to lie to them, although it would be funny, I think we should tell them the truth, if that s okay with you."

"Yeah, thats fine with me, are you surte about it though? You seemed to be pretty scared when i was trying to talk about it on stream."

"Yeah, I think I just needed a minute to think about it. But yes I'm ready as long as you are too."

"Yeah I'm ready, I'll read you the tweet before i send it." I began typing...

Hey guys! I wanted to adress all of the 'dnf confirmed' donos and chat messages. George ended stream before I could say anything and I'm glad he did. We talked after he ended the stream and decided its time to to tell you guys the truth. Me and @ georgenotfound have been dating for about a week or 2. We wanted to be open and honest with you guys and hope that you will all love and support us after this. We love you all and we WILL be streaming more when we get back to Florida.

I read the tweet to george and he said it sounded great.

"Yeah, go ahead and tweet it."

"Okay. And done. Its been tweeted."

"Okay, let me know what people say after a little while of being published."

"Will do." I responded. I was so happy, it felt like a hudge weight was lifted off my shoulders.

*1 hour later*

"Oh. My. God. Have you been on twitter since you tweeted?" George asked sounding concered.

"No why?"


OOO cliff hanger. I was so excited to finally write tommy into this story tbh
Ive been waiting. Pog through the pain of the cliff hanger :) also if you guys enjoyed
this book so far it would mean so so so much if you would vote on the chapters. thanks:D

[wc: 1106]

Tired ~dnfNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ