chapter fourty-three

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Ross' POV

"So let's cheers to the newly wed." My dad said, holding up a wine glass and everyone does so.

I look over to my beautiful wife, who has moved over to my cousin's, holding Baby G. I smile widely at the sight of not only my wife with my family, but also her with a kid in her arms. Something I have dreamt of, since that moment we both held that little girl on tour 4 years ago.

It has always been Audrey, since I met her. Something in me just knew she was the one for me. Even when I was with Courtney, as much as I did love her at the time, she didn't complete my life the way Audrey did. I look at Audrey and cannot help but feel at peace.

"This is a gorgeous wedding Ross." Kiernan, my coworker said, taking me out of my daze and I turn around to see she is paired with Jaz, Chance and Gavin.

"Thank you, but I have to give all the credit to my girl." I laugh and we all look over at Audrey now dancing with one of my younger cousins.

"She is incredible." Jaz sighs and I simply nod.

"We haven't actually met her. Care to make the move?" Gavin asks, making us all chuckle lightly.

We all move the couple of feet to my gorgeous wife, whose back is to us and I grab her by the waist, making her jump. I laugh and kiss the side of her head lightly. She turns and flashes me one of her unforgettable smiles, making my cheeks warm up completely.

"Gorgeous, I want you to meet my coworkers properly." I say turning her around with me, to face the group.

"Of course. I am sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier. It's nice to actually meet you all." She says happily, hugging them all one by one, then coming back to my side.

"You look gorgeous." Kiernan says and Audrey giggles, which listening to the sound, sends butterflies out of my stomach.

"Why thank you. Trust me, I don't always look this put together." Audrey jokes, making everyone else laugh to.

"Hey! You are always gorgeous." I defend and lean down kissing her cheek, to which she does her infamous adorable squirm.

"Yea. Yea. Anyways, are you guys all usually from Cali or...?" Audrey asks and I wrap an arm around her waist.

"Some of us are." Jaz simply says.

"Perfect! Ross can hang out with someone other than me." Audrey jokes looking up at me and I smirk, squeezing her waist a bit more, making her squeal.

"Audrey! Ross! Photo!" I hear my mum yell from the photo wall and see both families gathering around the area.

"It was amazing meeting you and I am sure I will see you guys soon." Audrey says giggling and we both turn around walking to our two large families.

I escort my lady over to them, as she holds her dress up walking over, with my hand placed lightly on her lower back. I can't help but take in all the beauty that is standing right next to me. My mum films everything and I know this is all going to go all over instagram and tiktok, but I just want this beauty to be my special gem, for nobody else to see.

The way her hair is falling naturally in waves and even though it probably took her hours to present this way, her flawless beauty blows me away. Not only physically but she is amazing. I mean her heart is so huge and has so much love to give to everyone. It makes me genuinely wonder how her mother brought up such an amazing woman.

I still can't believe that by the end of the year, I could possibly have my own little child, in my arms to take care of and love. I will never forget the day we found out.

i can't say i'm in love // ross lynchWhere stories live. Discover now