chapter thirty-two

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Audrey POV

It was hard to convince Faith that nothing happened between Ross and I, when she got home the next morning and saw us tangled in my bed together. We truly didn't do anything and I did guard my ground. It's just so happened to be the case that we fell asleep, the way we comforted each other in last night.

Today is my date with Ryan. He invited me to his place and said to dress nice. I am nervous. Not only is it my first date in months, but also Ross' warnings have been circulating my mind. Surely, if Ryan just wanted to get in my pants, he wouldn't have come to the party or spent time with my friends.

"Red or white?" Ryan asks as he holds up two bottles.

"Red please." I reply. I look out of the windows, to see the gloomy clouds, circulating the busy city.

I follow him over to his dining table, which has spaghetti and meatballs in plates, with a side of garlic bread. I sit down and watch him pour the wine into the large glasses.

"You didn't need to put in so much effort?" I smile up to him as he sits down.

"As much as people think that waiter's know nothing, I have picked up a couple of notes from the chef's." He says beginning to dig into the meatballs.

I laugh at his comments and we make small talk as we continue our meal, finishing off the bottle of wine.

"You are kidding?" I laugh, now sitting next to him on his couch.

"Nope. We legit flipped roles. I was sexy chef for the day." He says finishing off his glass. "Another bottle?" He asks getting up, grabbing the empty glasses and walking to the kitchen.

"Definitely not. I am already feeling the room move up and down." I laugh leaning back, looking at him upside down.

"Alrighty." He sits back down on the spot next to me and I look back up to him. He brushes a piece of hair behind my ear and keep his hand there.

I stare into his striking bright blue eyes, which contrast nicely to his tan skin.

"You are very gorgeous." He says playing with the ends of my hair.

I blush and look down to my rings, playing with them nervously. He places his hand under my chin, lifting my head up and I realise how much closer his face is to mine. I feel myself lean in and suddenly, our lips gently touch each other.

I smile into the kiss, moving my arms so the back of his neck and he moves one arm to the back of my head and the over to my waist. I untangle my legs and place them on to floor, so we are closer to each other. This kiss speeds up and he leans over me. We are laying on the couch, with him hovering on top of me.

He bits the bottom of my lip and I open my mouth to let out tongues dance together. It felt nice to be loved like this again but it didn't feel like love. It wasn't warm or welcoming, like it did in the past. Suddenly, I feel a cold hand, under my skirt, caressing my private area aggressively.

I jump back startled, breathing rapidly. I push him off me and sit on the furthest side of the couch, "What the fuck? Why would you do that?"

"What do you mean?" He asks confused, like nothing was wrong.

"Why would you touch me like that?"

"Because we were going to have sex?" He says oblivious of what he has done wrong.

"We definitely were not." I say getting up and grabbing my things.

"So you call me sexy, invite me to you party, dance up on me, flirt with me and when I bring you to mine you won't even have sex with me? Wow you really are a princess." He says getting up and crossing his arms.

i can't say i'm in love // ross lynchWhere stories live. Discover now