chapter twelve

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Audrey POV

So today is my birthday weekend. Yay....After that whole Ross debarkle, it was semi-awkward but I have completely forgotten about it at this point so neither of us have anything to worry about.

I watch as speakers come into the house and an event manager pointing workers in directions, placing balloons, tables, food and everything into place. For having barely any friends, this seems like quite the big party. I am pretty sure the whole family is coming, as well as everyone's friends and their mothers by the looks of the invite list.

"Come one. It's time for you to get ready. At exactly 12AM tonight you will be 18! EEEKKK!" Rydel pulls me from the back and up the stairs.

I don't really have any girls in Cali to help me get ready for tonight so we recruited the most girly girl known to mankind. My dad really pushed tonight. He themed the night as black tie. Meaning formal. This is so not me, but whatever makes him I guess and secretly I do like the idea of it.

Rydel meets me in my room after my shower and sits me down at my desk/ vanity to start doing my hair as I do my makeup.

"I am in love with your dress tonight. You will literally be the Belle of the ball." She giggles waiting for the straightener to heat up.

"Thanks Del. I actually picked it out. Like me. I walked into a store tried on dresses, which we all know is an achievement in itself, then I chose out one. Go me hey?" We both laugh and continue to get me ready.

"You better head off now. I can finish my hair. Go home and get beautiful sexy." She puts her hands up surrendering and walking towards the door as I smack her butt.

It's currently 6:30 and the party starts at 8. I feel bad not setting up for the party but I know that if I even dare to touch anything I would have the tight ass of a party planner slicing my throat.

I literally stop getting ready for an hour, playing video games in one of my brother's room. When I see that it is half an hour before the party I turn off the TV and shoo everyone off to their rooms to suit up.

I return back to putting my eyeshadow on and clipping my hair up to perfection. I slide my dress on and look in the mirror. Holy shit, I am one sexy mother fucker. So since my dress hits the floor, I have no reason to wear heels. They are so uncomfortable and literally the worst. I put on my converse and look in the mirror at my reflection. Damn. This dress is literally the perfect ratio from sexy to elegant.

I get out of my own head and hear music blasting throw the house and voices echoing up the stairs

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I get out of my own head and hear music blasting throw the house and voices echoing up the stairs. I walk down and as I hit the end of the staircase, I hear my name echoing through the DJ's microphone. I am overwhelmed by all the cheers from the crowd full of semi-familiar faces and smile at them all throwing my hands in the air cheering.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" I turn around to the multiple arms capturing me from behind.

"Oh my god! Faith! Amber! Cole! Dustin! Ray! Holy shit you guys are here?!" I hug them all squeezing them like they are going to disappear.

These 5 humans are my forever humans. No matter if we never talk, never see each other or nothing. Whenever we do catch up, we instantly connect like we were never apart. They are all from Brooklyn and we have been friends since we have been children.

"Come on let's dance sluts. We got a whole night of partying." I grab Cole and Amber's hands and pull them outside, greeting familiar faces as I go.

Everyone is dressed up to perfection. As much as I didn't want this night to happen, I am glad it is.

"I am going to grab something to drink. I am sweating." I walk away from my friends fanning myself, making my way towards the drinks table.

"Well fancy seeing you here." I turn around to the very familiar voice, seeing a specific blonde smiling at me. He is dressed up in a classic black and white suit but with a coloured polka dot tie.

"Awee your tie kind of matches my dress. How adorable." I say leaning up and tightening his tie a bit more.

"Hold up. Why are you not taller? Isn't that what heels are meant to do?" He asks confused.

"Who said anything about heels?" I smirk and lift up the bottom of my dress to show off my very classy black converse.

"Of course. Why would I suspect anything else?" He giggles and grabs some punch from the bowl. "It's a pretty decent party."

We both look around and I see my brothers and his family playing a game of pool. They face me and I wave at them giggling.

"I got you something. Do you want to-" Ross starts.

"CAKKEE TIMEEE! WHERE IS THE BIRTHDAY GIRL?!" I hear the DJ yelled into the microphone getting everyone's attention.

"You are staying the night aren't you? Later." I say looking over to Ross and then moving towards the three-layered pink and white frosted cake.

Everyone begins to sing happy birthday and by the end, a microphone is shoved into my hands and everyone begins to chant speech.

"Okay. Okay. Ummm...Let me start off by saying thank you to everyone who made tonight possible. If any of the workers or event managers still here, you guys really pulled together something unforgettable." I laugh and wait for the applause to die down before continuing my spontaneous speech.

"Then, of course, I am going to thank all of you. From extended family to any and every work colleague, you all mean the absolute world to me and I appreciate you all for being here." I look out into the crowd looking for more specific people to thank.

"My best friends from Brooklyn. I never expected you to be here and far out. I am so grateful for you guys and you guys have got some pretty wild stories that we have shared and I am so glad I get to spend these last moments of childhood with my childhood favourites." I hear my friends cheer and scream all my crazy nicknames that accumulate over the years.

"My second last thank you goes out to my newest best friends. Sorry, my Brooklyn babies. Lynch's, where are you guys?" I see the whole family cheer over in the direction of my family. "You guys fricking rock. Gotta watch my language, BUT, you guys have truly been incredible people and from the first day we even moved here you guys really came in with a bang." We laugh at the last sentence, remembering back to that first day we played vase baseball. "Thank you, guys. I love you so much and I cannot wait for the crazy memories we are going to make."

"Now finally. My crazy, dysfunctional but loving, amazing family full of idiots. You guys have all made me into the amazing human I am today and I couldn't ask for a better family. From video games to fights, I couldn't love you guys more. Dad, my favourite human being of all time. Thank you. For everything. No words are able to express the amount of love and appreciation I have and thank you for believing in me and pushing me. I love you to infinity and beyond. Now let's get this cake into us." Everyone applauses and I am passed quite a large knife and look up to see all my brothers and dad around me.

I blow out the candles. I wish...I wish for...the only thing in my brain was Ross for some reason like the universe was pulling me towards him. I wish for Ross. I look up and my eyes are immediately met with Ross'. He smiles and then gestures towards the knife.

I cut into the cake and as I reach the bottom of the cake I feel all my brothers kiss my cheeks, forehead and head. I love these goofs.

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