chapter seventeen

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Ross POV

That first date was amazing. I have been on dates with girls and had relationships and put in so much effort to spoil them but this time feels different. It feels comfortable.

Audrey is the best person. She cares about everyone and anything who lives in this world. She is so positive and carefree that even when people tread all over her she lets them walks away unphased. Her whole mindset makes you look at this world in a completely different way. Obviously, she is gorgeous and that's made me attracted to her at first, but ultimately her courage and strength kept me interested.

"Oi Superman."

My thoughts were cut off when the little angel herself came jumping onto me as I lay down on my bed.

"Hello my princess." I say pulling her ontop of me, keeping my arms around her waist and looking at her.

"Hey. Hey. Hey. I am not YOUR princess. You gave me a nickname called princess and I am my own human being." She says pushing up from my chest but I kept holding her waist.

"Well how can I make you MY princess?"

"Stop being so cliché. Come on. We are all getting ice cream." She says squirming out of my arms and standing next to the bed.

"But seriously, how can I?" I say turning to my side looking up at her, diregarding her other comments.

"Uhhh...I don't know how relationships work. Aren't you like meant to ask me to be your girlfriend or something?"

"Yea. That's how it is usually done. But if I know Audrey Logan correctly, she would not be influenced by a male's needs to live her life." I joke slowly carressing one of her thighs.

"I am very impressed Lynch. So you putting the ball in my court?" She bends one knee into the bed slowly and leans closer to me.

"When is it never?" I move my hand onto the back of her neck.

Our heads gravitating together. We can feel each other's breaths on our faces. I hold back a bit from kissing her to make sure that she is wanting to and she nods. I crash my lips onto hers and pull her down ontop of me and feel her deepen the kiss as she runs her hair through my hair.

"Hey sweeties are you- Oh my stars! Okay! Aweee. We will leave you two be. Ross remember what's in the top drawer." I hear my mum say and we both pull away and look towards the door.

"Mummm! Timing!" I groan letting go of Audrey. I feel her get off me and stand up laughing.

"No trust me. Chocolate ice cream is going to taste much better then this fool." I sit up to see Aurdey now standing at the door next to mum, both looking at me.

"Okay. Rude."

"Come on Ross. The girl spoke. Ice cream." My mum says walking away with Audrey.

Everytime that girl comes into my room. I am closing and locking that door. I do not want mum to walk in on anything. Again. Serious cock block.

Audrey POV

The Lynch family, Ellington and I pile into their van and it is definitely weird to sit in a van practically identical, but not. I am in the front row, in between Rydel and Ryland.

Ross is the last to get in and whines. "Are you kidding me? The first time I tie my shoes and I miss out on sitting next to the only person I am obliging to be here for."

"Rude." "Get in." "I am offended." Multiple replies are given and I send him an apologetic smile.

"What do you mean Ross? The seat next to me is free." Ellington points next to him acting confused.

We all laugh and Stormie's laugh echoes through the car, making me laugh even more.

On the way to the ice cream palour, Rydel is showing me pictures from the last tour they went on. They are meant to be getting ready to go on tour in two months time but they are still 3 songs short for the album. I feel bad. Their star singer is distracted because of me. I mean I know everyone else contributes but maybe it is my fault...Probably not though. I should be his muse, if anything.

I mean, I definitely get his juices flowing...if you know what I mean. I am kidding. The most Ross and I have done over this past month is a slight make out session, which was soonly interrupted by Brad walking in showing me the caterpilla he caught. However, it didn't take much time to know how much he was packing. What? I know boys and their bodily functions.

"Oh I forgot to film for R5TV. Okay...Audrey. Tell us where we are going, what we are doing, everything." Rydel says, getting out her camera and filming me.

"Wow okay haha, uhh...We are going to get some ice cream at cream place. I don't know. I just got lured into this white van, full of men when they said the words ice cream." I laugh and Rydel flips the camera around onto her and leaning against me so we are both being filmed.

"Help us. But also don't because I am soo excited for my vanilla ice cream, with strawberries and Kit-Kats and chocolate fudge sauce. Hell yes!" Rydel rants and then begins to film her brothers.

I turn around to see Ellington giving Ross a noogie. I laugh and smile at Ross being so happy.

"Oh Audrey smiling. Oh. Oh." Rocky jokes about lightly pushing my shoulder. "Audrey's going soft."

"Oh shut the fuck up. I will beat you in an arm wrestle any day and you wish that was a joke." I glare at Rocky and look behind him winking at Ross.

We arrive to the ice cream parlour and I feel Ross wrap his arms around me. "What flavour are you going to get princess?" He kisses my cheek and we take synchronised steps into the store.

"Did you not hear me earlier when your mum cock blocked us?" I giggle as we kept walking.

"Please let's not mention that again." He buries he head into my neck and I tilt my head to the side onto his.

"Alright alright. Ice cream time though. Less touching. More eating." I said unwrapping his arms around me.

"I mean we could do more touching and more eating." Ross smirks and walks away.

Ew boys.

I grab a cone of chocolate with coconut sprinkles and as I go to pay, Mark literally pulls me away from the counter.

"What do you think you are doing?" Stormie says.

"Umm paying?" I ask confused holding my ice cream in front of her.

"Wow. That is the most funnniest thing you have ever said." Riker says coming up to us licking his ice cream.

"I don't get it."

"Oh my stars! Darling, you are essentially my second daughter. I am not letting you spend your hard earned money. You are my best friend sissy." Stormie says putting her arm around my shoulder and walking me out of the store.

"But Stormie-" I try to interject.

"Nope. I do not want to here it. Now go sit with the others." Stormie stops outside the shop, letting go of me, waiting for Mark.

I go and sit with the rest of the family and move my chair closer to Ross. He looks over to me smiling with ice cream on his nose. I giggle and lick it off his nose.

"Ewwww." He scrunches his nose and wipes the moisture away.

I shrug my shoulders and continue eating my ice cream. I feel Ross lips kiss my forehead softly. I look over at him and smile with my lips covered in melted ice cream.

It may not be seem it to anyone else but I have been thinking of the conversation Ross and I had earlier. It's my move to confirm Ross and I's relationship. For some reason, it makes me really happy.

A lot of girls would want their boyfriend's to sweep them off their feet and ask them out in a garden bed of roses with fireworks, but I am really glad Ross let me make the next move. In a way, it's his way of making the next move by making me make the next move. If that makes sense?

I am gonna do something big for Ross to finalise our relationship. To show him that I am really serious about it. But soon because before you know it, I will be graduating and then Ross will be on tour. Potentially away from me for a long time.

i can't say i'm in love // ross lynchWhere stories live. Discover now