chapter fifteen

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Ross POV

She waves at me and turns back around into the house. Now is my time. The next step of my plan. I quickly stand up and jog over to Audrey's dad.

"Hey, Mr Logan. Can I talk to you real quick?" I ask standing beside him as he opens a beer.

"Of course. What's going on?" We walk out of the backyards door and turn towards the basketball hoop. I pick up the ball and begin bouncing it as a distraction.

"So basically, I don't know if you notice but I kind not kind of. I like your daughter a lot and I was wondering if I could have your blessing to ask her out on a date?" I hold the ball and look up at him as he takes a swig of his beer and places it down, staring me down sternly. He walks towards me slowly and grabs the ball from my hand.

"Depends. Will you actually show up to this one?" He asks slowly dribbiling the ball around me.

"Well, that one wasn't actually a date and I still feel horrible to this day. I get it if that was my only chance and you can't give me your blessing but-"

"Oh stop the blabbering Ross. Of course, you have my blessing." He says sinking the ball into the hoop from the three-pointer mark. I grab the ball gobsmacked and face him to see him grabbing his beer. "But only if you can sink this hoop?" He states pointing towards the ring smirking.

I have never been more nervous to shoot a basketball ever until this moment. I face the hoop and my hands are shaking. My mind is blurry and I can feel my heart beating out of my chest at 100 miles per hour. I look up and throw the basketball. In slow motion it seems, the ball bounces on the backboard and sinks into the ring.

"Nice throw. Now go make your move. I will talk to James. Don't stress." He taps me on the shoulder and walks back to the backyard.

What on earth just happened? I am somehow officially able to make this girl mine. This girl who I met by breaking a vase. This girl who I have been dreaming about since the moment she called me Superman. This girl who is perfect and can potentially be mine.

I walk back into the yard still shocked and James walks up to me. Oh shit. "Hey, I am not too keen on this and although Audrey may say you have two more shots if you dare to even think about breaking her heart. I will be sure that your actual heart is split in half...I will support it though bro." He taps my back and then as we stop in front of the pool he pushes me in. I raise to the surface and see him laughing.

Dylan lifts his hand out to help me out. "Hell yea dude. Now go get your girl." Once I am out of the pool he gives me a bro hug and then pushes me towards the house forcefully.

OKAY! Now that you are up to date on how that all happened. Let's continue on. Throughout the night, I kept catching Audrey in deep thought, probably raking through her brain on how this has all happened. After dinner, we all squeeze into the living room, her family, my family and cousins. Audrey is in the kitchen watching the popcorn pop and I walk up behind her.

"Hey." I whisper next to her ear. She jumps and turns around placing a hand on heart-catching her breath. "No need to be so dramatic" I laugh taking a step back.

"Alright fess up. Tell me how you did it." She asks crossing her arms over her chest. I lean back on the counter and pop an M&M into my mouth. "Come on! I know you have noticed me stressing about it all night? Did you fight him?"

I laugh, knowing that if that were to happen I would definitely be the loser. "Nah. Luckily not. How about I tell you on a date?" I ask placing my hands in hers. She raises her eyebrows all confused.

"Uhhh again. What have you done? Am I currently in an alternate universe where my brothers aren't crazy protective?" She laughs taking her hands away from me and grabbing the popcorn from the microwave.

I follow her around the counter as she get a bowl and pours the popcorn into it. "No no. Just trust me on this one okay? So what about that date?" I ask nervously playing with me rings.

"Let's do it. But no lovey-dovey roses and candlelight dinner. Alright?" She says leaning against the counter looking at me.


I smile and feel my cheeks warm up as we stare into each other's eyes, again, like the other night slowly gravitating towards each other. We are stopped by a throat being cleared from the entrance. We look over to see Jams awkwardly looking at the floor.

"Can we have the popcorn?" He asks.

"Of course. Take 'em all." Audrey says pushing the three big bowls of popcorn over to him. He stacks them up and holds them in his arms. He takes one glance at us before walking out and yelling. "Movie is starting!"

"We better get out there." I say pointing towards and slowly backing up.

"Nup. Not without one thing." She says grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards her.

Our lips crash onto each other and I move my arms around her waist and her arms wrap behind my neck. We both smile into the kiss and move our lips in sync.





We both pull our lips apart but hold onto each other close, as we turn to see both families clapping and cheering us on. Brothers, sister, cousins, parents. Everyone was happy for us but definitely not as happy as I am right now. I look at her lovingly and kiss her on the top of her head. I feel her bury her head into my chest and I know for a fact she is blushing and feeling embarrassed.

"Alright newly lovebirds. It's movie time. Let's go." My mum says walking towards the lounge and everyone following.

I grab her hand and pull her towards the couch. I sit down on the last spot on the couch and she sits on the floor in front of me laying her back in between my legs. She lays her head up to me and smiles.

"Congrats Superman." She winks at me and laughs.

"Congrats Princess." I begin combing my fingers threw my hair and get comfortable into the couch.

I cannot believe this all happened. I definitely did not think I would be ending the day knowing that the boys, who have intimidated me since the moment I walked into that house would be cheering me on as I kiss their sister. I did not think that I would be leaving today with the girl of my dreams. But fuck. I am glad I am. This is going to be the start of something amazing. I can feel it. She can come tour with me and we can travel the world together while falling in love. I mean I don't know if she is feeling it and I don't know if it is too soon but I genuinely do think I have fallen for this girl


I have fallen for Audrey Logan.

i can't say i'm in love // ross lynchWhere stories live. Discover now