That was enough to have Antonio looking in his direction.
"And I may or may not have saved one for you"

Antonio grinned, "Where?"

They walked out of the Sacred hall together walking past their brethren who cleaned the floors and windows. In the monastery, there was division of labour and all abided by it. They passed a door constructed from pine. The handle of the door was barely slanted and the room it guarded was used for important meetings concerning the Abbey.

Behind the door, three people sat in front of a table with a little pot placed before them and they argued like they had been doing for the past hour.

"We need to send it immediately–" A man spoke, he like every other monk had bald hair and had come far in age, slightly wrinkled and could barely see.

"No, we don't, we said it would be ready in three days, so we should send it in three days time"
The second man interrupted, he was in his middle forties and had been in charge of producing the antidote. He supervised everything that went on during the production process and had even rushed the monks in the process. The antidote became ready three days before the said date, "What do we do?" He looked to the third person present in the room hoping that his advice could help them settle the case, "What do we do, Abbot?"

Luc, who had been quiet all along as the two argued finally broke his silence,"We could have sent it if this was a different case but this is the King that we are talking about, as much as I want to see him alive, I do want him to suffer a bit. The wolves had always had the upper hand in the society, they should know what it feels like to have their lives in the hands of humans"

"Abbot, I do hope you know what you are doing? This is not what the monastery stands for? This is not the way of the heavens" The first man, Eoghan tried to intervene again, he knew what would happen if what they were to do was later found out by the public, "If the Royals get to know about this, it wouldn't end well with us"

"They wouldn't find out, we just have to deliver it three days later like we had said besides they trust our word" The second man still held onto his word, he believed that the royals needed to suffer a bit.

"Abbot please think about this, we have already finished the antidote long before the said date, if we act now the chances of saving the King's life is high"

"He could still be saved three days later" The young man, Cahir, spoke with so much courage, one would believe that he had a personal vendetta against the Royals.

"Cahir is right, The king could still be saved three days later, Eoghan" The Abbot's tone was rough, it signified the end of the argument.

"Since you have made your decison–" Eoghan stood up from his chair, the chair made a long drag sound as he stood up and walked to the window, on it was placed a bowl of water. He got there then dipped his hand inside the water and began washing them,"I wash my hands off this. Whatever you want to do Abbot, know this, that my hands are clean"

The Abbot watched him from the corner of his eyes and they darkened as the man walked away from the room.

"Should we still go ahead with the plan?" Cahir was still eager to know the next line of action, as much as he was a servant of the King, he despised the way their kind had been treated. They were treated even worse than the animals.

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