Like the outer office, Mr Byron's room was also decorated with portraits of important moments in sporting history. But these were all of Mr Byron's days as a pitcher for the Yankee's.

The walls were not only adorn with pictures, but also with newspaper articles, magazine covers and a cabinet stood by the far left wall that held all the awards and trophies he'd gotten over his career. One of the many portraits that hung in the room held great importance to Mr Bryon. It was a photograph taken of him when he and his team had won the World Series.

Eric had been but a baby when they had made sporting history, but he had read all about it from old newspaper clipping and magazine articles.

Mr Byron had been one of the best on the Yankee team and though he was forced into early retirement because of a shoulder injury, Mr Byron's love for sports was what inspired him to start Sports Inc.

He had started out small, but soon the magazine had grown Nation wide and eventually Sports Inc was turned into a sporting network that all sporting fanatics loved.

Approaching the desk Eric still felt nothing but greatness in this mans presence and knew that even if he didn't get the job - but he really wishes he did - it was still an honour to work for a man such a he.

Coming to a halt, Eric stood in front of Mr Byron's desk and then greeted the man by extending his hand.

"Good morning, sir."

Byron shook his hand. Hmm... a firm grip; he liked that, "Good morning, Eric. Please take a seat."

Eric eased himself into one of the two vacant chairs that sat on his end of the desk, while Mr Byron took a seat in his black leather chair.

Remaining passive on the inside, but completely nervous on the inside, Eric sat and waited for Mr Byron to say something, but all the man did was fix his gaze on Eric, as if examining him.

Then suddenly, "So Eric, how have you been since we last spoke."

Sitting straighter he answered, "Not to bad, Mr Byron."

Well if you consider my girlfriend being mad at me for wanting this job so bad, then not bad at all, is what he really wanted to say, but was glad he hadn't. It was considered unprofessional to bring personal matters into the workplace.

"Ah, that's good my boy." He gave a low chuckle, but then added soberly, "Small talk is quite enjoyable, but I imagine all you really want is the news of my decision."

It was phased more as a statement rather then a question, but Eric answered anyway knowing Mr Byron could see the anxious look in his eyes.

"I would love that very much, sir."

Mr Byron nodded in acknowledgment, then clapping his hands in front of him he added cheerfully, "Well then let's get on with it."

Eric hoped that this state of cheer was not a mere ploy to build up his hope only for it to be ripped apart and come crashing down on him. He hoped that this was an indication of the answer he seeks.

"Eric as you know, we here at Sports Inc strive for the best. We hire the best and we give the best in our magazine and with our network." Mr Byron paused looking at him and then pointed in his direction, "And you Eric are considered one of the best, otherwise you wouldn't be here working for me fresh out of college."

Eric knew that to be true. He had been one of the luck few who got a job working with Sports Inc directly after leaving college. It's not that they didn't hire those who were resent college graduates, it's just that they - as Mr Byron had said - wanted the best and only took those who they felt had great potential.

Something Worth Living For (Watty Awards 2011)Where stories live. Discover now