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Lauren Jauregui POV

-6:30 am, Miami Fl

The blaring alarm filled the room as I slowly opened my eyes. I saw the sunlight shining through the space between the curtains. No one likes that sound this early in the morning. You'd think I'd be used to it by now, after waking up early following long nights for a couple of years now, but nope.

I turned to my side to see last night's lucky girl. New girls in my bed every morning had become common for me. After meeting my best friend Vero in college, she showed me how to have fun and enjoy life. My phone buzzed on the nightstand next to me. That's when I noticed how many notifications I had that morning. Something must have been going on.  The first message I saw was Vero's.

Vero: Dude, you have to wake up. Check out the news. It's crazy.

Vero: Get down to the station as fast as possible.

Vero: We have to get on this fast call me when you wake up.

"Shit," I murmured, quickly grabbing the remote. I flipped to CNN. The bottom of the screen read, "Latest studies show that 1 out of 3 Miami residents take drugs". I stood up and put my shirt on as I listened to the reporter.

"More and more people are taking drugs and getting hooked. We are seeing more homeless people than ever on the streets, and the lowlifes selling this stuff are banking off of this with no remorse to how they're ruining Miami."

"Shut the fuck up," I said to the Tv as I shut it off. I didn't need to hear that this early in the morning. Part of me was not happy with what I heard. It meant I'd have to work harder at the station, which could only make me busier. The other part of me was happy that business was booming, but no one knew about that. Except, of course, for Vero, but she was my partner at the station and in the other "business."

I took a shower letting the hot water run down my body, knowing today would be a busy day. After getting out, I got dressed and left the girl, who was still sleeping, a note explaining to let herself out and out of good humor not rob me. Grabbing my keys and badge as I walked out doing a final scan of my apartment to see if I had forgotten anything and left to work.

I called Vero as I was in the elevator.

"Finally," she exclaimed after answering on only half a ring.

"Took you long enough," she continued, "So you saw the news right."

"Oh yea," I said dully.

"Well, what are your thoughts?" She knew I wouldn't like it, so she knew what I would say before I even said it.

"It's fucking stupid that's what I think of it. My boss will somehow find a way to pin this on me, and of course, I'll have to work harder. Taking away from what I care about more, Los Jaguares." That was the name of the drug ring that I ran. We had stations all through Mexico and In a couple of states of the U.S. It was founded by my great grandfather, passed to my grandfather, and so on, until me. My dad never had any boys, and the rest of the girls chose to stay out of it after my father's death, so I assumed the role. I couldn't let the family business go under because of a fucking rival. He killed my father, and now I would destroy his ring, maybe taking a few people's lives with it. The job at the police station was Vero's idea. She was right. It was a good coverup. To the other police, we were angels.

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