Chapter 25 ~ worries

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Year 6

I was walking out the charms class when Dumbledore called my name.

-'Miss Blake, may I have a word with you?'

-'Of course professor.'

He led me to his office. I've been here 2 or 3 times before but never alone. I was always with Harry, Ron or Hermione. I don't know how I could possibly help him with.

-'I could not help but notice that you and Harry are very close to each other.' He sat down on his chair, inviting me to take a seat.

-'Umm, yes. We are good friends.'

-'What I must tell you now is that dark times lie ahead. And I would feel better knowing that Harry has somebody that could make him feel, even just for short periods of time, like a normal teenager.'

I could feel my blood going up to my checks as I nodded my head.

-'You see, this is not easy for him, and it won't get easier. All I could ask you to do is... to not let him fall in deep. He will need his friends more than anything.'

I started to feel concerned about what he said. Why was he telling this to me?

-'I trust you will keep this conversation a secret. He doesn't need any more things to worry about now.'

-'I understand'

I was eating my breakfast at the hufflepuff table when I saw Katie. She has been in a coma since the accident at Hogsmeade. I looked to Malfoy who was staring at her from across the room. He looked at me and then to Harry and started to walk away. Harry followed him out the great hall.

This ain't gonna end up good I thought and I started to run after them.

They entered the boys bathroom so I had to stop. I listened at the door. They were dueling, casting spells to each other until everything went quiet. I opened the door and I saw Malfoy in a blood pound, heavy breathing and crying.

-'Harry!' I whispered. He looked at me, not knowing what to say.

The door opened once again and Snape entered. He got on his knees and started to use some healing incantations on Malfoy.

-'Bring me your potion textbook, Potter. You stay here.' he told me.

Harry came back shortly after he left and handed Snape the book.

-'Roonil Wazlib. What is this?'

-'That's my nickname. This is how my friends call me.'

-'I know what a nickname is. Detention for the rest of the school year. Both of you.'

-'Professor, she did nothing. It's my fault'

-'Be grateful I don't expel you'

-'Harry it's ok.' I assured him.

-'But it's unfair' he whispered to me when we walked out.

~The library~

-'Dumbledore asked me to go on a mission with him soon' Harry told me in the library.

-'Harry, I don't have a good feeling about this' First my discussion with Dumbledore, now he is taking Harry, God knows where, with him.

-'He said it's very important and he needs my help'

-'Harry I don't know...'

-'Look, if anything bad happens, you go to my room. In my trunk you will find the rest of Felix Felicis. You take it and share it with Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville and Ginny. You understand?'

-'Yes. What do you think it's going on?'

-I don't know but I think It's about Malfoy.'

-'You know what you never talked about with me?' he said after a moment of silence.

-'About what?'

-'You have never told me what you want to become after we graduate.'

-'Well I was thinking about joining the Ministry maybe'

-'An Auror?' he suggested.

-'Definitely not. I was thinking about something like relations with muggles. I don't know, see if I survive until then.' I tried to make a joke but he took it seriously.

-'Of course you will survive. Why would you think about that?'

-'Harry, It was a joke.' I tried to calm him down.

-'Well, you will graduate and you will do whatever you want after, and you will be happy. I promise you.' he said, holding my hand. I could tell he was tense by the way he spoke and how he held my hand.

-'Harry, don't make promises you can't keep.'

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