Chapter 8 ~ the Grimmauld place

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Year 5

~The Grimmauld place~

Harry and I didn't exchange too many letters this summer but from the ones he sent me I knew he was feeling down and bored. But the worst thing was that I couldn't tell him anything. I was even more worried about him since the Dementors attack. But at least he will come here at any moment. I know he will be angry at us, especially at me for not telling him anything. I could hear his steps as he walked up the stairs. I didn't want to be the first he saw so I stepped back to Ron.

He opened the door and Hermione jumped on him.

-'Harry!' she said.

-'Let the man breathe Hermione' Ron said.

-'Hi! I missed you' I said not moving an inch.

-'That's why you sent me so many letters this summer' he said. I could feel the anger in his voice. I lowered my eyes now looking at my shoes.

-'What is this place? And why are you all here without me?'

-'It's the headquarter. The Order of the Phoenix.' Hermione said.

-'And why has nobody told me anything about all this? You.' he was talking now to me. 'I expected you of all people to tell me what's going on. You didn't send me a letter in weeks and I kept writing to you.' he said, raising his voice at me.

-'Because he made us swore we will keep our mouths shut. Dumbledore. So if you are going to fight with somebody don't fight with us.' I was the one to raise her voice now.

-'Dumbledore said that?' he asked confusedly.

-'You think it was easy, do you? Not writing to you all summer. Not assuring you that I'm ok.' I said as I entered his room.

-'I didn't say that. I'm sorry, I was just angry.'

-'You didn't seem too happy to see me. You didn't seem too happy to see any of us actually' I said, raising one eyebrow.

-'Of course I'm happy to see you ...But do you have any idea how bored I was all this summer?'

-'The point is that we are together now' I said, placing my hand on his waist.

-'Promise me from now on you will tell me everything about this kind of stuff' he grabbed my throat and whispered in my ear. He never did that before but I didn't mind it. It was pretty hot actually.

-'I think it's time we go to dinner, am I right, love?' he asked me, holding my hand now.

-'Yes, let's go'

-'On a scale of 1 to 10 how bad was it' Sirius asked me.

-'I'd say a 7. I think he can do worse than that.

-'What are you two talking about? Harry asked.

-'They made a bet' Fred said.

-'How angry will you get.' George continued.

-'And she owns me 10 sickles' Sirius said laughing 'I told her that you won't get that angry'

I could feel Harry's glance on me but I didn't want to look him in the eyes. I preferred to look at Tonks. She was pretty fascinating, besides Tonks and I were the only Hufflepuffs at the table.

After dinner Harry and I went to his room.

-'How angry did you expect me to get, love? He asked me.

-'I knew you would be furious that I didn't write back to you. That you would think I've forgotten you or that I didn't like you anymore, which it's completely wrong... I don't know'.

-'I will never get that angry at you. I just can't.' he said smiling.

-'There's a song... It reminds me of you.' Now that we are not at Hogwarts I'm allowed to keep my phone, even if I don't have any connection here. 'Do you want to hear it?'

-'Of course'.

I opened my phone trying to find the song in my downloads.

*sweater weather by the neighbourhood starts playing*

I watched his face as the music was playing. He looked up at me, smiling, still focusing on the lyrics. I started to mumble the lyrics. I took his hand into mine starting to trace lines with my fingernails on each of his fingers and the lines in his palm. I brought his hand close to my mouth so I could kiss his fingertips. He grabbed my jawline, moving his thumb on my bottom lip.

-'Did you like it?' I said as soon as the song ended.

-'It's horrible. Hated every second of it.' he said ironically.

-'It's actually my favorite song but for some reason people keep saying it's the bi anthem'

-'And what's wrong with that?' he said, raising one eyebrow.


-'You asked me the same question last year. So tell me, you like Nimphadora?'

-'What? She's so much older than me.'

-'So it's just the age...' he smirked.

-'Harry, I don't know. All I know it's that I like you and that's all that matters. What about Cedric? Nothing changed since we've talked then?'

-'I get nightmares almost every night. I don't know'

-'I dream about him sometimes. I see him in the common room.'

In the next morning Mr. Weasley arrived with our Hogwarts letters. I opened my letter and a round thing like a sticker fell down from it.

-'What's th' I was interrupted by Hermoine.

-'Are the badges. The prefects badges.'

So I made it. I became the Hufflepuff head girl. I could feel my eyes filling with tears as I was thinking about Cedric but I didn't want them to know. This is for Cedric, I said to myself.

I knew that Harry was jealous because he didn't receive a badger since Ron did even if he doesn't show. But not everything was about him though. 

𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕪 𝕔𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕞𝕖 ✨ℍ𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕪 ℙ𝕠𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 ✨Where stories live. Discover now