Chapter 9 ~ one night together

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Year 5

~The Hogwarts express ~

-'I expect you will act nicer this year' Draco said entering our compartment.

-'And why would I do that?' Harry asked.

-' Because unlike you I'm a prefect. And unlike you I have the right to punish.'

-'Yeah, and unlike you, I'm not an idiot so leave.' Harry snapped back.

-'Not very friendly. You must be jealous. Even mudbloods can become prefects and you can't. I think people got sick of you. Especially after what happened last year with Diggo'

-'Don't you dare speak of his name' I cut him off.

-'You didn't die already, mudblood? And you're even a prefect. At least Diggory played quidditch, but you...'

-'The head boy is supposed to be the best male student from each house. And if you are the best Slytherins got, I start to feel bad for your entire house.' I said looking him in the eyes.

-'You better watch your mouth this year. Something tells me it won't be the same.' he said leaving the compartment.

-'Then you should read The Daily Prophet like your stupid mother, it will tell you everything you need to know.' I heard Harry saying from the Gryffindor table.

-'Don't you dare call my mother like that!' Seamus raised his voice at Harry.

-'I'll go for anyone who calls me a liar.'

-'See you later' I told Susan as I started to walk to their table.

-'What's going on here?' Ron asked.

-'Do you believe what he is saying?'

-'I do. Now has anyone else got a problem with Harry?' Ron defended him.

Harry started to walk to the Gryffindor common room.

-'He is stupid, he doesn't know what he is saying.' I said walking behind him.

-'I'm fine'

-'Like really...'

-'I said I'm fine, Arya.' he stopped and turned back, raising his voice at me. He continued walking to his dorm. I stopped following him and I was now heading to my common room feeling my cheeks turn red.

As Umbridge seemed to take over the school the DADA classes became useless. Hermione thought of a solution. This is how I joined Dumbledore's Army. And thanks to Dobby, now we had a space to practice.

-'Meet me in front of my common room tonight, love?' Harry whispered in my ear after a DA meeting. I nodded my head. I love when he whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. Or when unexpectedly, grabs me by my waist. But he also had moments when he was angry at anyone including me for no reason. Or when he raises his voice at me out of the sudden. But maybe it was all the pressure he is under so I shouldn't get mad at him.

-'Did you get that dream again, last night? I asked Harry laying in his bed, on his chest.

-'Yes. Always the same.'

-'What's wrong with your hand?' I said after I saw the back of his hand.

-'Nothing. It's just a scratch.' he said pulling his hand away.

-'This is not a scratch. That's what she did to you. In detention. Am I wrong?'

-'You don't have to worry about me.'

-'Yes I do. Harry, what she is doing it's not normal. We have to do something.'

-'There's nothing we can do' he said, raising his voice at me.

-'You are doing it again.' I said annoyed.


-'You are yelling at me again. You start to do it every day now.' I confessed, looking him in the eyes.

-'I... I didn't realise. I just felt so bad since the school year started. Oh I'm so sorry, love.' He hugged me. I could tell he was sorry by the way he spoke.

-'What about you sleeping here tonight? You can change in my clothes and we will leave early in the morning under my cloak.'

-'Harry... I don't know.'

-'We don't have to do anything. I meant just sleeping. Please say yes.'

-'I think we are having a sleepover tonight. If you will act nicely'

-'Yes.' he exhaled happily as he walked to his trunk. 'What clothes do you usually sleep in? It's this ok?' He pulled out a gray hoodie and a pair of red shorts.

-'It's perfect, Harry. Now turn around.' I told him so I could get dressed. We knew each other for a quite long time already but I didn't feel confident enough to get undressed in front of him. I threw my clothes, including my bra next to his bed.

-'You look brilliant. Pity I have to turn off the lights and I won't see you anymore. Come here.'

I got under the blanket and his body was just as warm as I expected. His hands were always warm, unlike mines, always frozen. I took his hand and I kissed the scars.

-'Is it warm enough, love?

-'Mhm' I wrapped my leg around his waist. His hand was traveling on my bare thigh, squeezing it lightly, leaving goosebumps all over my body. He moved his hand up to my waist, over the hoodie, reaching the area where my bra was supposed to be.

-'You said you will act nicely.' I said looking up at him.

-'Ok, I'm sorry'

-'I don't mind it though. You can touch me there.'

I buried my face in his chest and we fell asleep.

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