Chapter 10 ~ jealousy

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Year 5

~The room of requirement ~

-'Harry, I can't do this shit' I said angrily.

-'Yes, you can. It's just that you don't focus enough.' Harry said.

We were having a DA meeting and I couldn't conjure a patronus for the life of me. It was one of the few things Harry was better than me at.

I was frustrated enough because I couldn't produce a patronus. I didn't need to see Harry talking to Cho to get mad. It wasn't the first time, not even the second. He was doing it every time we had a meeting. He would go and help her out everytime she would call him, even if he was busy talking to me or anybody else. And the worst part was that when he was explaining something to me for the second time he would be annoyed at me for not understanding, unlike her. He would gladly help her all the time.

~Arya's dorm~

Susan and I were sitting in my room after dinner.

-'He is acting differently. I don't know what's going on with him.' I said.

-'Dumb his ass! Men are stupid! I hate men!' she said.


-'That's what you told me to do with my boyfriend last year.'

-'But he was a real idiot. For real now...'

-'You said he doesn't show you the same attention he used to. Do the same. Ignore him and see how he will react.'

-'That's actually a good idea'

The potion class

-'Arya, will you be my partner for the project?'

-'Oh, sorry Harry but I already have a partner'

-'But I'm your boyfriend' he whispered. So he remembers now I said to myself.

-'I'm sorry' I said as I walked to my table. His eyes got wider. I could feel he was annoyed by what I did and that's what I expected.

-'Do you want to come with me and Ron at the quidditch practice tomorrow? I'm trying to convince him he is good enough to be in the team.' Harry asked me one day after classes.

-'Sorry Harry, I promised Susan I'm gonna help her study. Maybe another time.'

~The room of requirement~

-'Will you meet me in front of my common room tonight?' Harry asked me after another DA meeting.

-'Sorry, I can't. I'm ...'

-'What the fuck it's going on with you lately? You can't go or do anything with me. You are always busy with God knows what!' he interrupted me.

-'I guess you should go and ask Cho to hang out with you. You two seem to get along really well.' I said calmly.

-'What are you talking about?' he asked confusedly.

-'Well, you seem always happy to help her. You don't raise your voice at her. And besides that you seem to have forgotten me so why would you spend your time with me when you can be with her?' I said blushing. I tried to hold back my tears. I didn't want to show him any emotion.

-'Are you mad at Cho for...'

-'I'm not mad at Cho, you idiot. I'm not dating Cho. I'm dating you. I'm mad at you.' I yelled at him, still holding my tears back.

-'Look I didn't realise...'

-'Of course you didn't'

-'I don't like her. I like you. Please, Arya.' he said grabbing my hand.

-'What do you want?'

-'Please forgive me.' I started to walk to the door.

-'I love you. Please don't leave me...please.'

He has never said that he loves me but neither did I. I stopped and I turned around to look at him. He was staring into my eyes now. My bottom lip started to shake as sighted. He was walking to me now. His words were replaying in my head please don't leave me. I started to feel like I was the villain now. That I overreacted and I made him suffer, even if it was for a short period of time. He stopped in front of me.

-'Please...' he whispered. I inhaled sharply.

-'I could never leave you. I love you Harry'

He pressed my hand against his lips.

-'Please come over tonight. I miss you.' I nodded my head.

~Harry's dorm~

-'I am so sorry' he said

-'You already said that like 10 times'

-'But I mean it. Will you sleep here tonight, love?'

-'I should probably return to my common room.'

-'Please, I get less nightmares when I sleep with you'. He said looking into my eyes.

-'How am I supposed to say no after you just said that?'

I changed in the same clothes he gave me the first time we slept together.

-'I want you to hold me close, from behind.' I said laying on my side.

He wrapped his hand around my waist and I joined my fingers to his. Our bodies were so close one to each other that it could simply go like one single. I could feel his warm breath in my neck. He moved my hair behind my ear.

-'Goodnight love' he whispered in my ear, his lips brushing my skin. I got again that feeling the one that he was the only one capable of creating, those shivers down my spine.

-'Goodnight Harry' I said softly,squeezing his hand.

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