What would her life be? 2

Start from the beginning

"So you're telling me, you are from a different Earth and you need help to fix you device in order to get back?" Director J'onzz asked, both heroes nodding to answer his question. "Okay, release them." Agent Danvers said, wanting to get an agent to free Barry, but then she heard a crack, only to see that Kara broke the cuffs. "Never mind..." She said, before walking out. Kara and Barry just sat there, not knowing what to do and director J'onzz noticed that. "I'll bring you to one of the labs, probably there you guys could find something to fix your tachyon devices." Both heroes followed the director, being led to a quite modern lab. "Thank you director J'onzz." Barry thanked, getting a nod from the older man. "Just call me J'onn, Supergirl and Flash." He said, but immediately Kara corrected him. "Then just call us Barry and Kara." She said, before J'onn left. After looking around the lab, finding spare devices and so on, both made their way to work.

A couple of hours have gone by and they still haven't fixed their devices. "Why is this damn thing not working?" Kara asked rather impatient, banging her fist onto the table, only to make it bend a little. "Wow, Kara Zor-El is cursing." Teased Barry, getting a glare from Kara. Before Kara could even say something back, the door opened to reveal agent Danvers with snacks. "Thought you guys would be hungry." She said, handing the snack to both heroes. "Very much." Kara answered dramatically, stuffing her mouth with a sandwich. Barry and Kara ate the food, like their life depended on it. "Whoa, you guys got big appetites." The agent chuckled, eating her chocolate bar. "Yeah, alien and meta human things." Barry answered, kind of busy munching on his third sandwich. "By they way, call me Alex ." Alex said, both heroes having soft smiles on their faces. "I'm Barry and she's Kara." Barry answered, noticing Kara was too busy to introduce herself...You know, busy eating on her probably sixth sandwich. "Anyway, how is it going with the devices?" Alex asked, looking at the little progress both heroes made. "We seem to be missing some parts." Kara answered, with her mouth full. Alex observed the devices more and noticed it will still need time. "You know, I know someone who could help." Both heroes raised their brow. Alex took out her phone, dialing a number. "Hey, we might need your help."

After some time, a certain person entered the lab. "Okay what is the problem?" Kara looked towards the voice, suddenly feeling she couldn't breathe. The woman had piercing green eyes, shiny black her, a jawline that could definitely cut diamonds, soft red lips and beautiful pale skin. Kara felt how her heart rate spiked up, seeing the beautiful woman. "I'm Lena Luthor, but call me Lena." Lena introduced, and suddenly Kara found the letter L her favorite letter. "Lena is a beautiful name." Kara blurted out, a blush creeping onto her face. Lena smiled, and...Wow that smile could outshine the stars. "Thank you." Lena answered, maybe covering her face as well, probably blushing. "I-Uh I'm Kara and this is Barry." Kara gave her hand so shake, which Lena gladly took, actually surprised how soft Kara's hand is. They all talked for a bit about the devices and finally got to work.

As Barry, Kara and Lena worked, Barry couldn't help but notice, how both women stole glances to each other. "You got it bad." Barry whispered inaudible to the human ear, but Kara heard it loud and clear. She then shot a glare to Barry, saying 'Shut it, Bartholomew', and a threatening Kara is really scary. "I'll go get some snacks." He squeaked out, and was gone in a flash...Yes, pun is intended. "So you guys are heroes in another Earth?" Lena suddenly asked out of the blue. "Yeah, on Earth-1 there are actually many more. We're a whole league." Kara answered, as she tried connecting two cables together. "That sounds nice, at least your Earth has people to protect it. But here on my Earth, we could really use some more heroes." Lena answered, kind of concentrated putting few pieces together. "You don't have any heroes on this Earth?" Kara asked, actually worried. Lena just sighed. "On this Earth, we only have the DEO and Superman. Superman he is good, but just him alone isn't enough." Kara stopped fiddling with her device, when she heard the name Superman. "Superman? There is another Kryptonian?" She asked and Lena nodded. "Why what's wrong?" The Luthor asked worried, as she saw the Super's shocked expression. "Has he ever revealed his Kryptonian name?" Kara asked, hoping the name in her head is indeed the answer. "Yes, his name is Kal-El." Lena answered, and Kara finally let her tears fall. "M-My cousin is alive? Kal-El is alive?" She asked and Lena's eyes widen. "Your Superman's missing older cousin?" Lena then noticed the exact same symbol on Kara's shoulder, which was covered by her hair. The Luthor just hugged the Super, letting her cry. Kara's tears started to subside and she finally felt happy. "I'll have to meet him then." She said through sniffs, having a soft smile on her face. "I'll ask Alex to call him."

A few days passed, Kara and Kal were finally able to meet and had a tearful greeting. They were taking for hours and talked about how their loves were. Lena, Barry and Kara were able to fix the tachyon devices, which were fixed rather quick. Both heroes toured around National City, wanting to know a little bit more about Earth-38. They were even invited to Winn's game night, he's a good friend from Alex and was now working in the DEO. It was such an amazing place and Kara...She never felt like home, until now. Yes, the Legends and whole Earth-1 was her home, but this place just felt different, it felt like she had finally found the home she never knew she could find...And she never wanted to live this place.

But sadly she had to go back...

Standing in the middle of the desert, Lena, Kal, J'onn and Alex said their goodbyes to the two heroes. "You should come and visit." Kara said to Lena, which made the CEO chuckle. "Let me first build a device that can transport me to different Earths." Kara just gave her one last hug, before she had to leave...She really didn't want to. Barry and Kara then hugged the others goodbye, promising that they would visit soon. Both heroes made themselves ready, but before Kara blasted away, she looked back to Lena, a wave of sadness going through her body...Just after a short time, Kara's feelings have grown so much, that she never wanted to leave Lena's side...

Hearing the 'Go' from J'onn, both heroes blasted in full speed. They were even faster than before and created a wormhole in a few second, and then they were gone. Lena looked as they were gone in mere seconds, sad that they had to leave so soon...Or more likely Kara had to leave so soon.

As Barry and Kara arrived back in Central City, Oliver, Cisco and Sara were relieved to see them safe and sound. "Where were you guys?" Ciscoes asked. "Earth-38." Kara answered sadly, already missing everybody. Oliver and Sara heard the sadness behind Kara's voice, knowing that they needed to talk to her.

After a few hours of Barry and Kara gushing how great Earth-38 is, Oliver and Sara got the chance to speak to Kara in private. "Hey Kara, I heard you had a great time on Earth-38." Sara said, as she patted Kara's back. "I had. I found my cousin and made many new friends." She said,a particular person running through her mind...Lena. Seeing that Kara started to daydream, Oliver and Sara knew what that meant. "Kara we want what's best for you, but we know you all too well. If you want to stay there, you have all of our support." Oliver said softy, and Kara had a shocked look on her face. "But what about you guys and Earth-1?" Kara asked, not wanting to leave if things were not okay. "We are going to be fine. Earth-1 has enough heroes, but what looks like Earth-38 needs Supergirl more than Earth-1." Oliver gently grabbed Kara's shoulder, giving her a reassuring smile...And that was enough for Kara.

Days went by, Kara said her goodbyes to everyone in the Waverider, she even went to Gotham to say goodbye to Kate. They all had an emotional goodbye, but Kara promised to visit them when she had the time. And everyone promised her,if ever a Crisis would happen, she would get a call as fast as the flash. Cisco made her a vibe button, so she could come anytime she wanted...And also because he would miss his favorite Kryptonian dearly. All her things were packed in mere seconds...Superspeed and all. They all chose to use Kara's pod to travel, since she could not run with all of her belongings. Only thing left, was to get to Earth-38.

Everyone stood on the runway, saying their last goodbyes. "Go get your girl." Sara whispered to Kara, making her chuckle. "Let me bring her to a date first." Kara answered, and sara could not be more prouder. She gave everyone a hug and at last, it was Oliver's turn to have tears. "Enjoy life there, Kara." He was wiping his tears, hating the feelings of crying. Kara just hugged him tight, a silent promise that this isn't their last time. "I will." She said, with a soft smile on her face. She then made her way to her pod, vibe button in hand and with one glance back, she made her way to Earth-38.

Lena was in the DEO, busy fixing some alien weapon. Suddenly, a crash could be heard nearby, all agents rushed to the weaponry, running out of the cave to surround the known spacecraft. Lena herself went to go check it, but when it opened...An all too familiar person was there. "Kara!" Lena yelled happily and went to give the Kryptonian a big hug. "Shouldn't you be back on your Earth?" The Luthor asked, wondering why the Super was here. "Nope, I'm officially staying here." And Lena could not help but smile, very happy that her secret crush is now staying here...And just maybe, there is a chance for them in the future. (There definitely is).

Now I wonder, what would Kara's life be here?

Let me tell you, it would be an adventurous life and a life filled with love and support...

The End

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