Let the fun begin

Start from the beginning

A black tank top was an insight as his his faint abs occurred. George what the hell are you thinking.

I felt flustered as I looked at him even more but at the same time it felt so wrong: I didn't want to feel like this, for gods sake he's my kidnapper, but he's so hot. If only he wasn't a kidnapper and a stranger I met. This whole flustered thing would be okay.

Before I knew it Bad was out of the room and it was just me and him. He walked towards me placing a hand on my chin lifting it up lightly.

"George how are you feeling?" he said looking into my eyes

"Okay" I managed to say as I gulped nervously. His hands on my chin was making me feel some type of way.

He then sat beneath the bed and looked at me dejected.

"Can you tell me what happened"

I breathed in "Well when you walked out Jared approached me and grabbed me behind the back of my head and smashed my head on the mirror then my vision started to blur and that's when I felt something pierce into me and that's all I remember"

He didn't say anything and just looked at me, sympathy laced on his eyes.

It had been one of the most overwhelming two day of my life and I needed comfort, without reluctance I leaned into him and hugged him.

He didn't hug me back assuming he was probably in shock and just stayed there with my arms around his neck.

I pulled away

"Sorry I just-" before I finished my sentence he stood up and walked out.

I shouldn't of hugged him. Oh my god what was I thinking hugging someone that is a criminal and could hurt me.

Bad walked in glancing at me jumbled.
I looked away and remembered about Wilbur. God I needed to see him.

"Bad can you please get Wilbur I need him" I asked

"Yes but only this one time"

2 minutes after Bad walked out I heard the door open as I saw Wilbur ascend. Wilbur hurried to me and hugged me tightly.

Dream POV

Why the hell did he hug me, I'm so confused.Was it for comfort or was he going to try and get close so that he could then trick me and escape. Not happening.

I walked in the staff room as my mind fled with questions and emotions. "Dream are you there?"

It was coming from my radio, I grabbed it and said "yes I'm here what wrong"

"The police are going to call you soon and try to negotiate, do not fall for their offers understood" Techno said

"Please what would they try and convince me with"

"No Dream I'm serious they will even lie so please don't listen to them"

"Don't worry about it alright, I'm going to test if the voice changer is working and then we'll see what will happened"

"Alright I'll be listening to the convo"

A beeping noise was heard indicating that Techno had disconnected.

I was pacing around the room when I then stopped as I heard ringing coming from the red phone. I walked to it and answered as a voice was heard

"Hello who is this" the police said

"You can call me Dream" I said with a distorted voice

"Ok Dream, I see we are using voice changers anyways, your going to surrender or were going to make you get out, we know what your doing"

"Oh come on now, you think I'm going to surrender that easily because of your shitty threats think again"

"Your just choosing the hard way then"

"No I'm not you know why, because I have the presidents son and if you try even get too close to the bank he's dead"

"Oh I know you have him there but I'm not worried because I'm sure you know the consequences for murdering people especially the presidents son"

"Trust me I know and I wouldn't even think twice" I smiled.

There was a pause "How do we know if he is safe"

Look at them worried about the presidents son, what about the others, do they not care. I'm actually surprised I thought they would threaten me more but they just got straight to George: of course they want George.

"I can get him"

"Yes get him"

"And you don't want to see if the other student are okay"

"No no he's more important"

The audacity, I should've recorded this and exposed them, next time.  "If you say so"

I ended the call and radioed Bad asking him to get George. 10 minutes passed and Bad still wasn't here.

I started to get impatient but I heard the door rattle and then saw Bad walking in with George

The Florida plan  (BOOK IS BEING EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now