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A shower curtain cannot hang inside the bathtub; instead it must be tied in a knot. This way it cannot cause a potential string of events which will lead to more habits forming. He was an individual who developed a clandestine lifestyle. To date he had survived purely on his personality but he demanded suitable arrangements in an Essex hotel.

The inner workings of a laptop had proved to be the deciding factor that necessitated his ingenious escape. The Romanian model which, he discovered was capable of tracking his movements was in fact relaying details back to the London-section. He dumped that device in the Thames. The means he used was rather simple, but he knew it would have devastating consequences on those who wanted to track his own information sequence.

Simple was the impression, that this apparently slow mover wanted everyone to believe. He knew that they were not able to synchronize their system speed with his own evasive technological devices. By living remotely he made it extremely difficult for them to detect his inner workings. That being said; his location was always crucial to his own private ambitions.

Nobody was aware that George could unconsciously store statistical data and numerical accounts of his past history. His elusive flies which were purged from the acquitted spectator, are way superior to anything within their field of knowledge. 

George believed his intellectual capacity can override that of the agencies via his cognitive prowess. The superiority complex can instantly deny every updated distraction motive.

When they attempt to exploit the 12A/P4/11.03, a constraining habit measurement, he can simultaneously issue a recovery procedure that will eliminate further habit deployments.

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