Chapter 99: *Filler* Yakuza AU

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Shanks was chewing on his fingers as he watched Mitsu rush towards the brothers. "Ah, maybe I made a bad decision..."

Makoto took off his yellow blazer and placed it over Mitsu. Sato rolled his eyes and began to fix the black tie around her neck, which was hanging too loosely. As soon as Sato finished, Makoto began to button the blazer.

Mitsu frowned at her brothers as they began to try and nitpick her uniform.

"Leggings! She needs leggings!" Shanks called out.

Both Sato and Makoto nodded in agreement. Just Benn came out with a pair of black tights, Mitsu held up her hands.

"No. That's enough." She sighed as she began to unbutton the blazer Makoto had put on her. She had already refused to wear the one they provided for the girls, and she knew it was optional. "I will not be needing any leggings. I will not be needing this, Makoto. I am fine."

"Right, we'll be with you all day-"

"What?" She looked to Sato with wide eyes.

"Yeah! No worries, Mitsu-chan!" Shanks called out, "I made sure the school put you with your brothers, so no need to feel worried! They'll make sure nothing bad happens!"

Mitsu sighed out, nodding her head towards her Uncle, and began walking. Of course both brothers gripped her arms and steered her in the opposite direction.

She winced slightly, making sure to hide it enough so her siblings wouldn't notice. If they did, it would just raise questions as to how she managed to get so many bruises. She wasn't going to tell them of how she's been taking fighting lessons from Mamoru's older sister. Both her brothers and her Uncle were extremely overprotective over her.

It was suffocating.

So when her Uncle had made that threat that if she kept skipping her tutoring classes with Mamoru he would put her into school, Mitsu took every opportunity to skip. If anything, she's taken it as stealth training. She can sneak out of just about anywhere now.

Now, he's finally made true to his threat. She was going to finally get to go to real school, where she just prayed she would get into a fight. Or she could actually make some friends. Sure she's friends with Law, but for the most part he was quiet and too secretive. She needed to make more adventurous friends.

Even if her brother's didn't approve.


A loud yawn sounded from the moss headed male. He would have skipped class again if it hadn't been for Robin forcing everyone to participate in schooling. Even then he debated on skipping, however their leader made it clear that they were to listen to Robin. Though he suspected Luffy had ordered them to listen to Robin because of the fact that their positions were being threatened.

So atlas, here he was, sitting in the back of class listening to the teacher drone on and on about the morning announcements. He glanced towards the door as it opened and the two brothers which Luffy talked to often walked in.

What were their names again? Pato and Maka? That didn't sound right.

He blinked when another person entered right after the brothers, from her bright red hair to the fact that she entered in with the two brothers, he didn't have to wonder for long on who the female was. Her eyes traveled around the room, a bounce in her step as she looked around excitedly. For a brief moment her eyes met his, she grinned at him before looking away.

She reminded him of a puppy.

"We have a new students joining us," The teacher called out, "This is Mitsu, please take care of her."

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