I straight away knew who he was talking about and ran to the other toilet. I kicked the door open and saw red blood everywhere on the floor.

George POV

Why does he do this, first of all he winks at me and now he was staring at me getting changed, what is he trying to do?

I looked at the mirror and carried on trying to take the stench that was starting to form. Dream had walked out and another one of the captors had entered. The captor was most likely Quackity as he was really short. I had picked on names over these couple of hours almost knowing all their names.

I washed my face and looked up seeing something stand behind me but not scanning a face.

A hand grabbed the back of my neck and pushed my face forward on the mirror making shards of mirror drop on the stone floor. I tried to look at who it was but my vision started to get blurry. I heard Quackity try and stop the blurry figure but ended up getting punched.

"It's your fault I have a bruise on my stomach, its your fault" the blurry figure said


Before I tried to get up Jared grabbed one of the shards from the mirror. He pulled my face to his face and slid the shard in my stomach like a hot knife slicing through butter. I only felt pain for a couple of seconds before I saw everything spinning.

Dream POV

George laid on the patterned stone floor unconscious. I saw Jared holding a shard of something covered in blood and knew what he did. Oh hell no. This plan was going to work but only with George, if Jared killed him I swear to god.

Anger was building up inside of me from just the thought that jared might've just ruined everything. Suddenly my fist contacted his face with such force that I could've sworn I felt his bones crack. He collapsed on the floor straight away.

I ran to George and checked where the blood was coming from. It was his upper stomach. I impulsively pressed my hand on the wound to try and stop the bleeding.

"Bad" I shouted desperately

Bad whizzed in the room out of breath and stopped as he saw the scene.

What happened? Is that his blood?" Bad asked as he pointed at the floor.

"Yes and I'll explain later, now please save him we need him to be alive"

"Okay okay uh get me gauze and some needles and thread"

"Ok" I said, gently putting George back on the floor and getting up. Bad stepped in and moved Georges shirt up so he could see the wound better.

"Oh and we need a blood typing test"

"Wait why?"

"We need to know what type of blood he as and then we need to get a blood bad that is his type, he's loosing lots of blood"

"Oh god" I said with a shaky breath

"We're gonna loose him if you don't get it"

Loose him no we can't loose him.

I told Quackity to radio Sapnap and tell him to help Quackity put everyone in the main room and check the numbers of hostages just in case one of them had tried to run and to call Techno keeping him updated on what was happening.

I ran to the staff room and got the first aid bag.

Bad was pressing paper towels on George's wound as he waited for me to give him the bag. As soon as he got the bag he cleaned the bloody area and started to get everything ready for the stitching.

As he was starting to stitch up George, i started to feel so angry, as I remembered when I had George's body in my arms. Because of jared we could loose the star to this plan.

Hatred grew strong towards Jared making me want to kill him but recalling that our one rule was "no killing hostages".

We found out what blood type he had. I ran again trying to find his blood bag and finding it shortly after.

Bad Inserted a needle into George's vain after finishing stitching him up and connected a tube to the bag of blood making sure the blood was running through the tube. Seeing the blood going in George, Bad sighed.

I had also got a monitor to check George heart rate. His heart rate was high but it was good hearing the beeping noise indicating that he was alive.

Out of nowhere we heard sirens.

The Florida plan  (BOOK IS BEING EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now