Chapter 22

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Katsuki POV
We pulled up to the house and got out of the car. Deku looked extremely tired. He has probably had a long day. I went up to the door and unlocked it. Deku walked in first an let out an adorable yawn, which confirmed his thoughts on the small boy infront of him.
"Go to be. You look like a zombie."

"Co-me with me?"

OMG he is adorable. He reached his hand out toward me. Sadly before I could join him I had to fill out a few paper and the dishes. When I told him that he said he would stay up, but I refused to let him help me. He finally left to go to bed. I wasn't worried about him making it to the bed because he can handle himself.

Izuku POV
I asked Kachan to join, but he told me has thing to do. After I asked to help him, he still turned me down. It made me sad not gonna lie, but not wanting to make him upset I went upstairs to go to the bed. I put on one of Kachans hoodies and snuggled into the sheets.
I was just about to fall asleep when I heard a creak. At first I thought it was Kachan coming into the room, but then I realized it came from the other side of the room. I sat up and turned on the light because I was paranoid. Once I saw that there was nothing there I laid back down and turned off the light. There was a small amount of light coming through the window, but it wasn't enough to see what was about to happen.
All of a sudden, I felt something grab my ankle and pull. I yelped in surprise as I rolled of the bed making a decent sized thud. I felt someone grab my hands behind my back but when I tried to yell something covered my mouth. It was a cloth? This one didn't smell like the last one, but I still couldn't make sense. Suddenly the person was yanking me to my feet.
"Stop moving you little shit..." he whisper yelled.
I kept moving and trying to make as much noise so Kachan would come upstairs. Tears were slowly slipping out of my eyes. I didn't want to do this again. I looked over my shoulder a little bit to see a guy with blond hair and a mask on. What really confused me was why he was a mail uniform?
"I said stop moving. Please don't make me hurt you."
His voice totally changed from the aggressiveness of the first time.
With the sound of Kachan's voice echoing down the hall way, my stuggle became stronger. I was trying to make as much noise as possible. I saw the door open and Kachan's eyes widened.
"Let Him Go!" He growled at my restraints.
Then the worst possible thing happened. The man pulled out a gun. He pointed it at Kachan and I instantly stopped moving.
"Finely" the guy muttered.
Kachan didn't care about his life and I knew this. I knew he was guilty when this happened last time. He probably wasn't going to let it happen again.
"K-Kach-an s-s-top."
He probably couldn't understand it because it was very muffled due to the cloth. He kept coming forward, but he stopped when the guy shifted the gun to my head. My heart stopped. It was clear that this guy really didn't want to shoot anyone, but he would if he needed to.
"Come any closer and I will shoot him."
That's when Kachan's eyes grew wide as he could finally see the mans whole body.
"You are the mail man I saw on the security cams!"
That's when the guy started backing up knowing that there was form of camera on him he need to get out fast.
A loud bang sounded through the room and you could hear glass shattering. The next thing I knew we were falling. This man had just jumped out the window. He landed on his feet, but he couldn't slow me down enough and I landed on one of my ankles. I let out a painful scream and the gag fell out of my mouth.
That's all I heard before I was slung over his should and he was running into the ally way behind Kachan's house. We got to this black car and I was dropped into the backseat. I was tired I just wanted to sleep. I just wanted Kachan. I would cry but I don't have anything left. The car started moving, but I didn't have the strength to look out....oh there aren't even any windows. I slowly drifted into unconsciousness.
Katsuki POV
I lost him. He was crying, silently begging for me to help him. I heard the scream as they went out the window. He doesn't deserve this. I ran out the back door and chase the guy as fast as I could. I couldn't catch up enough, but I was able to get a photo of the car and, surprisingly, the license plate. I walked back  to the house physically exhausted, but I wasn't going to stop. I got in my car and drove to the police station. On they way there I called All Might and told him the situation. He said not to worry, but we don't know who these guys are. What worried me most was that Todoroki bitch just recently got put out on bail.
When I reached the station the cops looked concerned. They probably how bad I looked. I explained to them the situation and they were hesitant to start a case, but once I showed them the evidence, they all started running around. God sometimes cops don't use their brains. That's why I went into body-guarding. All might showed up and tried to comfort me, but he couldn't do much. Please be okay Izuku... I can't lose you...
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The queen of inconsistency right here guys. Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter😏. If y'all have TikTok if you could follow @tag.admin I would appreciate it! It is a school project!

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