Chapter 1

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Izuku POV
Age 20
In about a week I get to start my new job at the All Music radio/music company and I am super excited. I was hired off an audition song that I wrote... nothing special. I have 2 famous songs on YouTube that I posted about a year ago without my identity as a trial. Let's just say the both have well over 20 million views. No one will ever know they are mine though. I am starting out as a lyricist, helping others bands write songs because I refuse to do anything with my anxiety lurking around the corner. 
Let's just say that a week ago, I landed myself into the hospital because I forgot to take my social anxiety pills and I had a panic attack when a swarm of girls came up to me because their friend thought I was cute. I am more comfortable on my own and if I do have to work with people, I would prefer that they not want to have a million and three conversations with me.

Time Skip brought to you by the author's lack of vocabulary....1 week

I can't believe that today is my first day of work! I was exited to say the least. I jumped out of bed and got dressed. I really didn't like formal close, but thankfully I can literally wear whatever I want to my new job. I got dressed in a short sleeve black top and a black,red, and white checkered flannel. My black ripped jeans and favorite red high tops. I lived in a 1 bedroom apartment because I formally only worked at a local pizza place. This is why I rarely eat pizza. I poured myself a cup of coffee, grabbed my backpack, laptop, and notebook, and left to start the day! I locked the door of course because I couldn't risk losing what little I had.
I hopped on the bus because I didn't have a car and plugged into my headphones playing a mix of my music/uncompleted songs and my favorite pop songs.
When I got off the bus and walked about a block to get to the A.M. headquarters and I was filled with the jitters. Almost as soon as I got off the bus, the negative thoughts I had pushed down so deep for today came back.

You can't be a singer, let alone a writer

The hired you out of pity Pizza Boy

Why do you even try

Your father knew you never had potential

That last one hurt the most. Deep down I knew these words were right, but I had to try. I couldn't give up on my dreams that easily. 
That's when I reached the door of A.M. I was about to reach for a handle when the automatic doors opened. "Woah", I muttered to myself to make sure no one would here me.  As I walked in the door, I was greeted by a big smile from a brunette girl.
"Hello welcome to A.M. headquarters," she smiled even bigger, "My name is Ochako Uaraka. Are you here for a tour or business meeting?"  She hadn't looked up from her computer at all during the little speech.
"Uaraka-San....." was all I could muster out.
That cause her to look up from the computer. Almost immediately after she made eye contact with me, she sprang out of her desk and ran over to give me the biggest hug.
"Uara.....Uaraka I c-can't breathe..."
"Oh sorry Izu..I just haven't seen you in forever! I heard they were hiring someone named Izuku, but I could only hope that they meant you!"
I gave here a genuine smile because she was my best friend and I did miss her. 
"Here they told me to take you to them when you got here!"
She basically dragged me off to the elevator and I didn't get a chance to say anything. We made small talk all the way to the top floor, which I didn't even realize she pressed the  "30" button. That's when we both heard the elevator ding and she made eye contact with me.
"This is as far as I go. Good luck Izu" ,that is when she got really close to my ear and it made me shiver a little bit "I would tell them about the "songs" you have. It might help you along your journey."
She was the only one who new about those songs and she really wanted me to out myself. But I was still skeptical. So with that I stepped out of the elevator and watched the doors close behind me with Ocha still inside. I looked forward to see a semi-long hallway and a big,glass door. It was blurred glass, so I couldn't see what was inside, but I already knew. The door had A.M. in big black letter on it. Just beyond that door lies not only my new boss, but the best Japanese idol ever........

All Might
842 words

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