Chapter 3

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Toshi POV

Did he just say he wanted Bakugo?? I thought for sure he would pick Kiri. Bakugo is so cold, you can tell by the picture.
"Young Midoriya are you sure? You decided pretty quick"
"Okay then I will give him a call and you will meet him later today"
"So since you are writing for yourself, you need a recording studio. Let's see hmmm.." I scrolled through my computer looking for which one of the studios would make Midoriya most comfortable and finally picked one. I reached into my desk and pulled out a key.
"Okay, S69 would seem very nice for you. Here is the key. You are welcome to decorate and rearrange all you like. When Bakugo arrives I will tell him where to find you!"
"I-is he going to be here today??"
"Yes young lad"
"Oh okay...A-are we good?"
"Yes have a good day Midoriya don't hesitate to come visit me"
Izuku POV

"Yes sir"
I grabbed the key off the desk and hit the elevator button labeled 'S' which I assumed meant Studio. I found 69 and it was huge. There was a couch, recording booth, dj turntables for mixing probably, a mini fridge, bean bags, and a tv. It was AMAZING. I felt so lucky.
I quickly pulled my laptop out of my backpack and started to fiddle around with it trying to figure out how to connect to the recording table and the whole crazy set up....let's just say it wasn't working to well.

Katsuki POV

I was sitting in my living room watching T.V when my phone started buzzing and ringing like crazy. I picked it up and looked at the caller ID and it read All Might. The first thought that came to my head was 'great he finally found another extra for me to look out for. Who is going to complain about me not being good at my job because I won't socialize with them and want too ok swap me out for someone else.' I took a deep breath before answering.
"Hello sir"

"Young Bakugo my boy! How are you"

"Just great sir, How can I help you?"

"So eager are you? We have a job for you!"

"Please sir, just give me the name and where to meet them."

"Fine. His name is Izuku Midoriya. You can come to the office and find him in S69. This is full time so you will be with him everywhere. Got it?"

"Yeah, stay with the extra, go it"

" Bakugo be careful with him.....make sure he is safe"

Call ended
What the hell was that supposed to mean. I have never heard of this guy in my life, what makes him so special?
"Uhhhhhhhhh,here we go"
With that I hopped in my car and started my drive to the studio.

Izuku POV

After about an hour of struggling with the cables I took the elevator down to Ochako to see if she knew how to connect everything. Surprisingly she said I wasn't the first one to have trouble with it, so she agreed to help me. She asked me how things went and I told her everything, except for the name of the bodyguard I chose. She thought it was super cool and wished me luck after she connected all the cables. I thanked her and she went back to the front desk.
I proceeded to set up my laptop and open up all my files and projects. That's when one of my songs I have been wanting to record appeared on my screen. I figured it would be a good song to test everything one, so I slammed on the headphones and started up the track.
I began to sing.

Katsuki POV

I pulled up and parked my car. I walked in and round face saw me. She looked pretty confused, but I just walked straight to the elevator. I got in a pushed S. When I got out I went to 69. I was going to knock when I looked in the window to see a greenette with head phones on. He was very small, but when I opened the door I heard the most beautiful voice ever. The song was just straight sad though. He was pretty into it though. I wonder if this is what a All Might meant when he said be careful with him. When he finished he took off the headphones and clicked a few things on his laptop. I guess he didn't see me or hear me come in because when he went to get up and he saw me he screamed and fell over in the chair.
Izuku POV

I finished and saved the recording and turned to see a really tall ash-blond silently standing there. It scared the shit out of me to say the least.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" as I screamed the wheels on the wheelie chair feel out from underneath me and both the chair and I hit the ground hard.
"Oh-h g-g-gosh y-you startled me."
That's when I realized he probably heard everything I just sang. To be honest he look really confused. I went really red considering nobody had watched me sing before. It instantly got hard for me to breathe as all these thoughts flooded my head. I was starting to get light head because I just couldn't catch my breath.
"HEY, Are you okay???OH MY GOD, BREATHE!"
He went over and grabbed a bottle of water out of the mini-fridge and handed it to me. Thankful my backpack was under the desk and in my reach. I took my pill and drank some of the water he gave me, choking on a little bit because of my eradic breathing. I didn't realize until later that he was rubbing tiny circles on my back to try and calm me down. Once I was calm he helped sit the chair back up and I sat down. He looked worried, angry, and confused at the same time and I knew what was coming next.


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