Chapter 21

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Izuku Pov

We left the studio after I had packed up everything. We got in Kachan's car. I was a quite ride, but that wasn't really helping my anxiety. I all honesty I was terrified, but I wasn't going to worry kachan. All of a sudden my leg stopped bouncing. I loooked up to see Kachan holding my leg down.

"Relax nerd"

"Right, sorry Kachan..."

"Don't apologize. Are you sure you are ready? I don't want to push you"

"Y-yeah I will be fine"

We got to the mall after about 30 minutes. Kachan parked and once we got out of the car I started to doubt my ability to this. Kachan must have noticed my nerves and came to the other side of the car and took my hand. It helped a little but not a lot. I regretted my decision once we got into the mall. There were people everywhere. It was very busy. I pushed myself further against kachan. There were little kids with their parents and a few couples just browsing. This isn't so bad. I could tell we were headed to the food court because this wasn't the first time I had been here, plus we are getting food.

We made it to the food court. It was a little busy, so there were very few tables.
"Hey nerd?"

"Hmmm?" I looked up to make eye contact with Kachan.

"Do you feel comfortable sitting by yourself and while I order real quick? You don't have too."

I didn't want Kachan and I not to have a seat. But at the same time, I really didn't want to be alone. I have to grow up...

"I will stay here....I will be okay Kachan"

"If you say so nerd. Leave your phone out and sit right here. Don't move unless you need to. Okay?"

I say down at the table and put my head into my arms laying in the table. You will be fine izuku.
No one is going to bother you.

Katsuki POV
I got into line for the burger place. I text Deku what he wanted to eat . While I was waiting, a notification popped up on my phone. The front door camera was set off. Just to be sure, I opened the app. Hmmm, it just seems to be the mail man. I closed the app and opened up the messages app. Looks like the nerd wants a chicken bacon burger with fries. That's kind of odd, but if he likes it whatever. When I got to the front of the line, I placed the order and payed. They handed me napkins cups and a number so people could bring out our food to the right table. When I made it back to where Deku and I split, I was happy to see that he was still there.
"Hey nerd! I am back."
He flinched a little at my volume, but he smiled once he turned around and smiled at me, once he figured out who I was.
"Hi Kachan."

"How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine. A little out of it while you were gone, but now that you are back I am fine."

Gosh this kid is cu- nope, nope, nope we aren't going down that path. He is still recovering, you will leave him alone.
"What do you want to drink?"
Dang I think I said that too harsh.
"Lemonade please.."

"Okay. Just remember to stay here okay?"

He hmmed in acknowledgment and I went to fill the drinks.
Izuku POV
Kachan left me again to refill drinks, but this time I didn't put my head down. I was starting to feel comfortable here. Everyone was in their own little world, people were here to enjoy themselves. I was okay. I felt someone tap my shoulder, which I figured was Kachan and he wanted me to take my drink. I was wrong. It looked to be a 16 year old boy with a red hat with yellow spikes.
" Hey! you are Deku right? I don't want to draw attention to you, but could you sign my notebook?"

How did this kid know who I was? What do I do? I have never had a fan come up to me before, always reporters.

"Mr. Deku?"

"You want me to sign your notebook?"

"Yes please. If you could make it out to Koda, that would make my day! But if you are busy I can leave."

He was serious. This is one of my fans. I didn't know people actually liked what I did. I proceeded to take his note book and pen that he was holding.

"Where do you want me to sign?"

"On the back inside if you could! My friends are going to be so jealous!"

I wrote
Strive for the best!

"Wow!!!! Thank you so much!"
He put his hand out for me to shake, which I slowly proceeded to put my hand in his. His smile grew bigger than mine.
"Bye thanks!!"
Then he ran off and I noticed Kachan was behind him waiting for the conversation to end.

"You handled that well."

"Really? I had no idea what to do."

"I could tell, but at least you are improving."


"Well here's the drinks. Food should be out any minutes. Speak of the devil"

A guy in a red and white outfit brought our food to the table. Kachan seemed to get a regular double burger and onion rings. We are together with small talk. Kachan mentioned that the kid wasn't going to be the last person to approach me, and I knew that. I just didn't really think people would actually care to meet me.

We finished our food and started heading out of the mall. I saw the kid again with a group of friends.
He was showing them the notebook and all the kids seemed to be amazed. This made me smile a little. Maybe people do care. I relaxed a little after this and I don't know if Kachan noticed, but he didn't let go of my hand. We finally reached the car and started to head home. I couldn't wipe the small smile off my face.
"Hey? Why are you mr. smiley right now?"

"I had a good day Kachan. Thank you!"

"Eh? That's it... well your welcome I guess."

"Nothing could ruin this day Kachan!"

"It is almost over. They nothing to ruin it anyway."

"You are right."

They pulled up to the drive way and started to head inside. Little did the two know that this day could be ruined so fast. They just had to go inside.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1131 words
Look I updated on time!!!! Also 30k y'all understand that that is crazy!!!! Hope y'all enjoy, sorry for inflicting horror and cliffhangers😅

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