Chapter 13

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Bakugo POV
It has been a whole week. I am so worried and it isn't like me. My agency, Ochako, and even Kirishima are telling me it isn't my fault, but I think it is. I am scared he isn't okay. No body drops off the face of the planet for a week and is okay, plus I don't think Deku would just up and leave. I am scared he is hurt or hurt even worse..... All the idols have been put on extreme watch till we find him. We have absolutely no leads except for the fact the the cameras saw him last talking to that bastard Todoroki. I want to question Todoroki, but no body else suspects him. Round Face is the only one who slightly agrees because she and I know Deku's background.  I mean I only know the basics, I am sure Ochako know more.
I just need to find him. He doesn't deserve to be anywhere, but in my protection. I...I need him.
Izuku POV
I have no idea how long I have been on this hard concrete floor. It is dark and really quite, just like it was so long ago. I thought I might have gotten better, even if it was only a little. Todoroki comes in every once in awhile to either beat me, touch me, or feed me. When I say feed me, the biggest thing I have had is a pb and j sandwich. Anything else is a few leftover scraps. I miss the light. I have pretty much learned the rules again. Or at least that is what Todoroki calls them.
Don't want to get hit, don't talk
Mess up, get beat
Complain, get beat
Don't make noise, goes rougher...harder
Don't make eye contact, get slapped
There are so many is like one little hair out of place will make you unable to move till morning. My body was constantly on fire. I didn't even have the strength to move or run. He removed the chains sometime in the last several days? I don't even know how long I have been here.  I want to leave so bad. I can't sleep least not by myself. I usually fall unconscious because of lack of energy and the immense pain.
I heard the door click and it snapped me out of thoughts. I closed my eyes because I didn't want anything that was about to happen.
"I know you are awake"
I opened my eyes knowing that if I didn't I would be in trouble.
"I have a gift for you....." I saw him smirk he set down a new pair of boxers and a really long and big hoodie.
"I am giving this to you because you have earned it. Just like how you will now be upstairs and not in this basement. K doll?"
I shuddered when he called me that...I hated it. I knew that he didn't really want me to respond and that it was a trick to see if I would falter. I was smarter than that....actually I am not smart, if I was smart I wouldn't be here. I heard him walk away and head up the stairs, but when he reached the top he closed the door and didn't lock it. I knew that he probably wanted me upstairs soon, most likely changed. It took all the strength I had to sit up. I sat there a bit regaining my strength. I slowly slid on the hoodie first, for all I was wearing was a pair of boxers. The hoodie was warm. Sure it smelled like todoroki, but it was the only warmth I had had in forever. After another 30 minutes struggle I was all changed. I managed to crawl over to the base of the stair and I was extremely tired. I was thankful? that I hadn't been beat, but then again that shouldn't even be a required thank? That doesn't make sense...I think I am going crazy in the dark.  I contemplated on just going to sleep and trying again in the morning, but I knew that wasn't really an option.I struggled crawling and shuffling up the stairs for 3 hours, making sure I didn't trip and fall and hurt myself more on the way down. I got to the door and slowly opened it. I walked out, more like limped and was immediately hit with a bottle to cheek. Yup here I am on the ground again, so damn useless. He kicked me and hit me a little less than usual and then proceeded to be drug across the floor to the new room I would be staying in by the hood. Which made it horrible to breathe. He left me on the ground with a blanket. I couldn't really complain, it was better than hard, cold, rock concrete. I didn't sleep tho, I never fell asleep on my own when he was there. So I laid their lost in thought.

Time Skip to make it current with Bakugo

I have pretty much been "serving" Todoroki.  Unlike before when we were lovers and he beat me, he didn't show any affection this time. I am in the kitchen cleaning dishes currently. He only used me. Called me names. I really was his doll, a lifeless, unable to do anything, waste of energy and space. I wish I could go back to Kachan. I miss Kachan. Turns out I was in the basement for 4 days. It honestly felt like eternity.  I bet Kachan isn't looking for me. Why would he? I was just a job to him. He is probably already guarding someone else. I hope Ochako is okay. I hope she doesn't beat herself up about me being gone. Do they think I am gone? Do they know if I am with todoroki? They probably think I went with him willingly.
That snapped me out of my thoughts. I was grabbed by the collar of my shirts during I looked down to see a broken plate..(like my soul). Oh no
"You were mumbling darling"
I hung my head down lower, I didn't dare look at him.
"Oh, won't admit to it? That's fine"
I was flung to the floor and hit my head really hard on the corner of the countertop on the way down. I heard a loud crack. Everything went dark really fast. I think a heard a mumbled "shit" but I couldn't really tell. I screamed, at least I think I did I could barley hear or see anything. There was so much pain and an immense ringing. Finally, everything went silent.

Bakugo POV
I was at the station talking to the officers and viewing their list of potential suspects. One of the phones rang and I was curious, this office only gets calls if the main station is really full. One of the officers answered it on speaker.
"911, what is your emergency"
"I am fine, but I just heard the most painful, blood curtailing scream come from my neighbors house."
"What is your address?"
"xxxxx street"
"What side did you hear it from?"
"Okay, we can....."
"That's Todoroki's house." I stated.
The officers eyes widened, as the began to realize that Bakugo's theory was could very like be possible now. The hung up the phone and ran out station. Blaring sirens and roaring engines speed through the street. Radioing a ambulance in the process of the drive. They were there in under 5 minutes.
Todoroki POV
The minute I slammed him down I heard a crack and  the most horrific scream I had ever heard. Put in the thoughts of horror film times 10. I bent down to grab him when I realized his hair had been matted down and his entire head was covered in blood. That's when it hit me. I had cracked his head open. I rushed to grab a towel and I propped his head up with a pillow. I realized my mistake. I realized everything I had done to this poor boy at this moment. I felt tears well up in my eyes. Sure I still treated him like shit, but I love him. And he loves me!  We were fine. Then I heard sirens.
I had 2 options:
1) hide him, lie to the police, and have a possibility of him dying.
2) open the door for the police, let them take the slowing decreasing breathing body, and get arrested.
I was too slow in even making a decision because my door was gone. I heard yelling and I was yanked off of the body. Everything was blurred, tears were slipping out of my eyes at a rate I could contain. I saw the bodyguard. The only thing I could depict. He looked worried and shocked about izuku, but when he saw me he looked pissed and ready to snap my neck. During that time I was hauled into the police car. I knew I deserved this. I just wish it would have happened with better timing. If they had found izuku faster, then I wouldn't have cracked his head. If I hadn't taken him.....he would be at home, maybe smiling...haven't seen that in a while. This....this is my fault....all mine.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1559 words
Happy late Halloween! Sorry I haven't posted, spam me next time woops! I try to post every weekend or every other weekend. Thanks for getting the story to almost 5k! And we hit the charts! Y'all mean everything to me!

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