Chapter 24

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Katsuki POV

"I lo-ve yo-u ka n"
Aww. Shit. Deku wake up. Come on wake up god Damit. No this can't be happening. I was shaking him trying everything to get him up, when an Emt came over. She gave me a small smile.
"If you want more of a chance for his survival, can you take him to the truck?"
Before she could say more we were in the back of the ambulance on the way to the hospital. She put Deku on a heart monitor and it relaxed me a bit being able to hear it beep consistently. Well it was beeping consistently.
"Damit! We are losing him. He has lost to much blood."
"What can I do to help you?" I wanted to help. I can't sit here and watch him die. Besides as a bodyguard I know basic medical procedures and processes.
"I can't do much without more blood in his system."
"Can't we do a blood transfer ?"
"We don't have any blood on the ambulance for him. We need OO blood or BO blood. What is your blood type?"
"Where are your needles?"
"You are gonna stick yourself? Are you crazy?"
And with that I proceeded to find my own vein and start pulling blood. The EMT seemed to be a little shocked at first, but was relieved to see that it was working. We soon arrived at the hospital and Deku was rushed into surgery. The nurse personally came to help me get situated and readjusted after losing some of my own blood. She seemed grateful for my actions and told me I should rest. I couldn't really rest though. The thought of losing Deku while I was sleeping kept me awake.
I was later joined by All Might who practically forced me to go home. Being in no state to drive he called Shittyhair to come and pick me up. I was really against it, but I knew pacing the hospital wasn't going to make things better. Before we left a nurse who kept joking around came out to try and brighten the mood by informing us that Deku was out of surgery and alive, but she mentioned to give him a little time before waking up.
Kirishima stayed with me the next couple of days. He felt he needed to "babysit me" because I wouldn't take care of myself. That is the on thing about shittyhair, no matter how much I tell him no or try and push him away he acts as if it just flys over his head.
Deku has been in the hospital for three days now. Everyday we go visit him, but he hasn't woken up yet. Here we are again on the fourth day waiting to see if he will wake up. Kirishima is on the couch playing on his phone and I have my hand in his resting my head on the bed almost asleep. This is sadly the only place that I can get good sleep. I was about to fall asleep when I felt something brush against my pinky. At first I thought nothing of it, but I instantly shot my head up at the thought that it might be Deku and to my surprise I was able to look into his beautiful open green eyes.  I could feel my eyes starting to water, but I didn't want to let them out. He started to reach his hand out to me and I saw a small smile form on his face.

Deku POV

Wow, that hurt. What happened? I can't see anything, everything hurts. I feel something warm. Is that in my hand? I have to open my eyes. Ow. It is bright. Wait is that Kachan. I have to get his attention, but he is sleeping, maybe I should just let him sleep. He looks like he need sleep. He must be worried. I should wake him up,but everything hurts. I started trying to move my fingers, but it hurts. I wasn't really sure if I moved them or not until I saw Kachan bolt up and make eye contact with me. He looked shocked, worried, and relieved at the same time. I couldn't help but smile. I wanted him to hold me tell me I wasn't dreaming. Tell me that I was safe. He came closer and started to reach for my cheek. I was hesitant, not really knowing if this was real. He seemed to notice this and he let out a small smile to comfort me. Once his hand met my cheek and tear rolled down. It was real and I was safe. I used all my strength to reach my arms up to him. He instantly came and held me close to him. I could hear his heavy breathing and and heartbeat and I never wanted to let him go. He hugged a little tight on me, but I didn't even want him to let go.
We were finally interrupted when a nurse walked in. That's when I realized someone else was in the room and I stiffened unintentionally. Kachan held me tighter.
"Don't worry, that's just Kiri."
Oh. He was here last time too when I was here. I didn't know him that well that time though. Sad to think that I come to the place I don't like so often. I looked over and was able to confirm it was Kiri. Wait did Kachan just use the nickname I gave him. 
"Izuku. How are you feeling?" A sweet voice sounded. I looked over and was able to a young looking lady with teal green hair.
My throat was really dry. I think Kachan picked up on that because he held up a glass of water for me to sip on.
"That's good to hear. I will let you rest for the rest of the day and bring you some food. We will do tests tomorrow. It seems like you need a little more rest."
I smiled. I was happy I wasn't going to get sticked or tested on today.
"You need more sleep Deku. Just relax okay."
Kachan then started to get up off the bed to go back to his chair, but I grabbed his wrist.
I didn't want to be alone right now. I wanted to feel safe in Kachan's arms.
With that he climbed back into the bed with me and held me gently, but tightly.
I felt safe.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1084 words
Wow. I actually almost died! This chapter goes to me almost dying from giving blood for the first time. Stay Hydrated everyone!!! Or I will find you! 💙

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