Chapter 15

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Bakugo POV
The damn nerd just passed out on me. I mean I understand why, but now I am trapped. I feel bad for him. I think he mentioned not liking hospitals, but this is for his own good. The doctor walked over to the side of the bed.
"Excuse me, but I do have to put the ivy back into him..."
I knew it was true. He needed it, he looked horrible. I nodded and the nurse began to put the needle back in. The doctor continued to explain the situation.
"He is really beat up. We won't know the extent of a possible head injury, until he wakes up again and we ask him a few questions. He doesn't seem to like needles, so if you are still here when he wakes up, could you make sure he doesn't rip that one out."
I simply nodded my head as the doctor took his leave. Before the nurse walked out, I asked if there was something to put over his wrist, so he couldn't pull it out as easy and she gave me a wrist brace to put on him. I slowly stroked his hair as he slept. Why did it have to happen to him. What did he do to deserve this. I pulled out my phone and saw a message from shitty hair.
Shitty Hair
Hey, bro heard you found the little guy!
Boom Boom Boi
I wouldn't be so happy about that!
S: is he okay?
B: not really, we found him bleeding out from the head.
S: dude seriously, howww???
B: stupid ex of his is a fuckin physco
S: where are you? I will bring you food!
B: how do you know I am hungry?
S: Bakubro senses
B: what the.... i don't have enough energy to deal with this. I am XXXX hospital.
S: copy that Bakubro, but I will need the room number when I get there!
B: I know shitty hair
I put my phone on the table next to me and looked over to izuku's heart monitor and watched it beep consistently. Then there was a knock on the door.
"Come in"
All might came in with a sad look on his face.
"Young Bakugo how are you holding up?"
"It doesn't matter how I am doing, the stupid nerd here it seriously hurt. All because my dumbass could protect him......I failed"
" young Bakugo there was nothing that you could have done"
Deep down I knew that he was right, but holding him in my arms so broken, didn't give me anything but doubt.
"Get some rest young Bakugo. I will be back later"
With that toshinori left. I knew he was probably having a hard time accepting what had happened to his new rising star. Just like the star had fallen out of the sky. I rested my head back against the pillows, but didn't sleep. I just let my mind wander letting my had gently go up and down his back trying to comfort him in his sleep.
A few hours past, I think I actually fell asleep for 30 minutes to an hour. Either that or I just zoned out hard. I needed to go to the bathroom and I knew this would be my downfall. I couldn't wake him. He needed to sleep. Then there was a knock at the door. I looked up and shitty hair walked in with 2 bags of McDonalds, coffee, and a duffle bag.....probably with spare clothes.
"Hey Bakubro!"
"Shh quiet shitty hair"
"Oh right....sorry"
"Look I need to go to the bathroom, but I fear when I get out from below him he will wake up."
"So then he can eat with us?"
"No, that isn't the reason. He will probably try to pull out the ivy in his arm again, so while I am gone, make sure he doesn't pull it out okay?
"Ooh sure bro, easy peaszy"
I slowly slide myself out from under Deku and carefully got off the bed trying not to make noise. When I got up fully, I stretched my legs and Kirishima gave me a sympathy pay on the back. I then proceeded to make my way to the bathroom.
Kiri POV
Bakugo left to go to the bathroom, so I pulled up the little table in the room and started to set up the wonderful chicken nuggets and burgers I bought from McDonalds. I don't know the little guy very well, so I may or may not have bought more food than necessary. I was folding up the bag, when the little guy shifted in his sleep. Maybe he is going to wake up? I walked over and sat next to the bed just in case he did wake up.
I heard a small little mumble come from him and I knew he was waking up. He started to shift more and I touched his shoulder to let him know I was here and he shot up so fast. His eyes went widen and he was frantically looking around. He made eye contact with me and looked terrified.
"Hey, buddy. I am not going to hurt you, I am Bakubro friends."
He looked scared like he was even registering what is was saying. Then he continued to look around, while pushing himself as far away from me as he could. He locked on the the tube and followed it all the way to the wrist that was in a brace. He started to mess with the brace, so I grabbed his free hand and tried to get him to stop.
"Hey, little guy let's not do that."
He started to squirm and breathe really heavy. He got out of my grasp and started to fidget with brace even more. That's when I pinned him down. Though, I was hater than I thought because he kept squirming and I feared he may pass out from the hyperventilation. That's when Bakugo came into the room and realized the situation. He slowly walked over to izuku and put his hand on his shoulder. The little guy jumped and I saw the silent tears streaming down his face.
"Izuku you are okay" katsuki said.
Izuku looked at him for a solid minute still freaking out before mumbling something that sounded like Kachan?
"Yeah it's me, you are okay."
"T-ak-e i-it o-ou-out"
"I can't Deku. It has to stay in."
Deku, or so Bakubro called him latched onto katsuki like his life depended. Bakubro slide back behind him and hugged him, until he calmed down. I was surprised usually Bakugo isn't this calm.
After about five minutes, I broke the silence and said
"Who wants McDonalds?"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Happy Thanksgiving you nerds!!!
I am thankful with all your support in the book, sorry for all the edge! 12k reads....... y'all are insane! 💚🖤🧡

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