The Washing Machine

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Rara shit, same load just extra dirty. So I went to take a walk. I had got out the crazy hospital, but same ol me . I didn't change for nobody I just played my part so I can go to my Mom's funeral. It was hard seeing her like that; dead and cold . I never thought that her death would hit me as hard as it did. For the first time in my life , I realize that she was never coming back. I don't know how I will go on with out her but I will figure it out. I couldn't stand how my step mom was at the funeral like she gave a damn. Her fake ass was just sitting up there talking to all the family like she was actually apart of it. Nobody didn't like her fake ass , but nobody really comforted me either. People wait till you dead to talk about you. People wait till you gone to give your flowers to you. Why couldn't they did that when she was alive? Why tf are all these fake ass people here ? When the Pastor asked me if I wanted to say anything about my Mom I said yes. When I went up there I spoke so highly of my Mom. I told them how much I loved her and all the good times we had. Then I said MY MOM'S MURDER IS HERE AND I POINTED AT MY DADS WIFE ! The whole congregation turned around and gasp and my Dad looked angry at me and his wife didn't try to justify or nothing. She simply got up and walked out the room.  I went in the bathroom and hid. I know my Dad was mad at me ,but oh well! She had no business at my Moms funeral! I looked in the mirror and noticed it was a washer machine. That's weird I been here several times today and it's never been here. I looked closer and it's a really nice ass Whirlpool. I'm like now what is really going on. I lean closer and the washer machine started talking! Hello ZaTasha! I'm freaking out like I know this washer machine ain't talking to me ! Very scared I said who is it and they replied turn the dial and press start. I did exactly what it said . Next thing you know the washer machine started to shake and water and soap was every where! I open the door and look in the hall way , but there wasn't any soap or water in site .So I close the door , open it again and this time a hand reached out and pulled me inside the washer machine! I was spinning down into darkness!!!! Nooooooo !!! Help me!!!! Mommmy!!!!!!!

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