School SocialWorker

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I decided I needed to see someone that would help me . It was hard trusting people these days. I went to go see Ms Tire the school and I told her how I felt. It was nice having somebody who cared even if it was fake. I then started telling her about all my theories about my Dad's wife and I beg her please don't tell him what I said. I should of knew not to say anything to her because she told my dad. The next day he was mad at me because he had to take off of work and come to the school for a parent teacher conference. I was mad at the fact that he had the nerve to be mad. Gary was bullying me and I had enough of it Steven also started making fun of me and I told him to leave me alone! Then he said at least my moms not dead 😂 I got up and grabbed a pencil and stabbed him repeatedly in the leg 🦵🏾 🔪I got suspended and locked up again. So when I got out me and my dad went to the meeting at the school. Ms. Tire had decided that it was in everyone best interest for me to removed and to seek professional help. Ms Joze suggested that I go on a spiritual retreat which sounded like a great idea! I told my dad I would go low and behold he tricked me and I was admitted into a Psychiatric unit !

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