The Voicemail

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Noooooooooo !!!!!!! I screamed looking into the phone. Noooooooooo!!!! My heart started beating so fast I threw up ! I ran out the school crying ,screaming , and running as fast as my fat ass could run ! I probably made the Book of Guinness as fast as I was running !I didn't even know where I was running too! I just ran ! I took my phone my pocket and it was 1 voice mail. I listen to it ,and it was my mom talking low. My mom kept saying : She is here, !She is here and she is trying to kill me ! I heard my Mom say : Dont duck tape me please you can have my ex husband! You already got Jesse what more do you what for me ? I then heard my step mom say: Your glucose now hand it too me ! I heard my mom scream and say please don't stick that in my IV !! What is that? and My step mom said one word : glucose after that I heard my mom scream I'm sorry daughter I love you !

The Alien Glucose Killer  By Cheryl Denise George Where stories live. Discover now