The Laptop

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I got in cool with my case manager. I really liked her and it was nice to have someone to talk to. I had to behave myself for a week in order to get out. Since I was locked up they pushed Moms funeral back a while so I was glad about that because I didn't want to miss seeing her for the last time . So much has happen in such a short time. I came down stairs and got my supper. Surprisingly ,I had a unknown visitor waiting on me . When I got done with my food I was ushered into the visitation area and there her evil ass was in the dark waiting for me. I knew it was her because why would anybody else be sitting in the dark wanting to see me ? I recognize her also from her dry ass wig she had on . 😳🤣  Me : What up trick?
Stepmom: I just came down here to check to make sure you was okay.
Me: You came to check on me ? Yeah seem like you came to kill me like you did my Mom!
Stepmom: I didn't do anything and you better lower your voice or else !
Me: Raises voice a little more ( Or Else WHAT!!!
Stepmom: Here look at this video of you killing your own mom

Me: You came to check on me ? Yeah seem like you came to kill me like you did my Mom!Stepmom: I didn't do anything and you better lower your voice or else !Me: Raises voice a little more ( Or Else WHAT!!!Stepmom: Here look at this video of you kil...

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Me: My eyes open wide ! I couldn't believe this trick had the nerves to edit a video so good that it actually looked like I was the one that killed her at the hospital!  Tears ran down my face as I watch my Mom being murdered and before you know i...

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Me: My eyes open wide ! I couldn't believe this trick had the nerves to edit a video so good that it actually looked like I was the one that killed her at the hospital!  Tears ran down my face as I watch my Mom being murdered and before you know it I just across the table to fast 💨 and started beating my step mom ass ! We both got some good kicks and punches in with out nobody hearing us. We quickly got up and fixed our clothes like nothing didn't happen. We then sat at the table to talk.
Step mom: If you ever touch me again I'll release this fake video of you
Me: 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️ . What she didn't know is that she was being recorded by my case manager the whole time . When my case manager took my plate of food she hugged me and then slipped a small air recorder into my hair . It looked like it was a beaded ponytail holder but it was actually a recorder. So once again I won 🙌🏾.
Step mom: Well would you look at the time I got a man to catch ( Your Dad😂🤷🏾‍♀️) so I will see you at the funeral 🧐 sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs 🐜 bite lol 😆

The Alien Glucose Killer  By Cheryl Denise George Where stories live. Discover now