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Ok ya'll- I just wanted to say.. HOW EXCITED I AM THAT I ACTUALLY FINISHED A STORYYYYY! Like seriously, I've been writing for years, but never actually finished one. This will be a first for me. I deadass loved writing this fanfic. I had so much fun with it even though I did restart a couple chapters over and over because I wasn't satisfied. I'm not sure if I'll do an epilogue or not. I might, but might not. As of now, I am going to be working on an Ereri High School AU called Mead. The story behind that title.. my friend was helping me come up with ideas, and she came up with Mead for the title. I looked it up and choked on my tea because it means a type of drink. But then she clarified that it's a type of notebook. Sooooo, that's a lil hint... Anyway... I'm satisfied with the ending. EVEN THOUGH IT WAS CRINGEY AS FUCK- I was laughing at myself the entire time, bro. Like seriously. I'm not even kidding. 

I've been really happy with the comments that people post on chapters. I really am. Those of you who commented, kept me going. Kept encouraging me to continue writing and not give up on it. I tend to do that a lot.. write, post, debate, and delete. It really fucks with my head sometimes. This is the first time that people genuinely liked what I've written. In conclusion to that, I think I write fanfics better than story with my own characters and world. If you're interested, follow me on Instagram. Sometimes I post updates about the stories I write. My Instagram is h.erxin and it's my SSO insta. I don't have an irl insta. I just don't do that shit. Too scared 'n stuff. 

Honestly.. I feel like crying. But anyway.. I'll let you guys go now. Thank you to those of you who actually stuck around till the end. <3 

Much love, Rae

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