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A/N: I just wanted to say how happy I am. This morning the ranking for this story was ranked 101 in SakuAtsu. I have been reading an Ereri fanfic almost all day (it's on my reading list if you're interested) and when I finished it, I looked at my ranking again, and call me crazy but.. I was basically squealing at what it was ranked at. 16 out of 988 stories. I am beyond happy and it's kinda still processing in my brain.. I have some pretty nice ideas for this whole thing with Mark. He's going to give this story some chaotic shit, not like it doesn't already, so um. Without further ado, let chapter 11 commence!

A t s u m u

     It's been a few days since I was released from the hospital, and I've slowly regained my voice back. It had started as hoarse but the more I talked the more I was able to talk correctly. Unfortunately I was going through weird nausea waves. Honestly it scared me, and Omi. 

     I think he was more worried than I was. My nausea waves, I soon called them nausea attacks, would progress every day. I was miserable to the point I cried next to the toilet. Omi was getting a bit shaken up and had no idea what to do.

     Every time I had a nausea attack, I felt like my head was floating around, and that my stomach was forcing itself up into my throat.  Honestly, I couldn't move when I was in bed. The only thing I'm thankful for is not actually throwing up. It's just torture with these attacks though.

     "Atsumu, I don't want to continue seeing you like this, I- I can't!" Omi says as he stands in the doorway of the bathroom with his hands on the back of his head. A pained expression on his face. I leaned my head back on the wall and press my fingers on my temples in an attempt to ease the nausea; no luck.

     "Could you just shut up and fucking comfort me?! I'm the one being tortured here, not you!" I cry out looking to Omi with teary eyes. I close my eyes, and hug my knees to my chest as hot tears stream down my face.

     "I'm sorry 'Tsumu, I'm just scared." He says softly sitting down next to me and rubs his hand on my back.

     "Scared of what huh? Getting sick?" I spat, gritting my teeth together. He pauses, sighing before opening his mouth to speak. "No. I'm not scared of that. I know you only said that because you're in a terrible place with these nausea attacks. I'm just scared of what's wrong with you. This all happened out of the blue with no clear warning with what the hell was about to happen. Trust me, I'm already in enough pain as it is seeing you in this state. I'm calling Suzuki, and you have no say in it." 

     My body trembles as he speaks, taking in his words. He's right though, about me lashing out because of the state I'm in. I know he's hurting, and I feel bad for acting like this. 


     "I don't see any obvious reason to why he's having these. I'm not a doctor but I did take a couple classes regarding health and how to treat people." Suzuki says in a calm voice, placing the back of her hand on my forehead. Omi stands at the foot of the bed, biting his finger nails.

     "There has to be an explanation. He's been to the hospital one too many times. I don't want to add another visit to the list. For fuck'sake, I'm already drowning in hospital bills. My bank can't handle another one unless I start working, which by the way, I really don't want to do." Omi states harshly running his hand through his raven hair. 

     Suzuki freezes and stands up to look at him with a confused glare. "He's.. been to the hospital a second time?" Horror laces her voice as she tenses up. 

     "I had a run in.. with.. uhm.. someone. The guy choked me pretty hard but he's in jail now." I say weakily as the black haired girl looks down at me and kneels beside the bed. She sighs exhaustedly, pinching the bridge of her nose.

𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐢𝐚. [𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें