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A t s u m u

     When Suzuki left at 8 PM to go home, Omi and I had fallen asleep quite quickly. My nausea had subsided due to the meclizine and I was finally able to sleep semi-peacefully. 

     Usually when I'm nauseous my mind tends to wander else where, keeping me from remembering anything. But still despite the times my head is collected, I never brought anything up with Omi about Mark. About who he truly is. I know that's kinda bad on my part but it's like telling him about what happened to me all over again.

     The fear of getting tossed aside by the one I love most because of something so necessary to know. But when I'm thinking like this, the anxiety can't be helped. The only time I'm ever truly honest is when I'm tired out of my fucking mind. Like can't keep my eyes open kind of tired.

     I take my phone off my bed side table and look at the time before answering a call; not bothering to check the caller ID. It's 2 AM, who the hell is calling this damn later? Or should I say morning.

     "Mmm hello?" I ask, sitting up from the bed and rubbing my hand with my head.

     "Hey 'Tsumu, I'm sorry for calling so late but I need to talk to you. It's urgent." The seriousness in Osamu's voice scares me.

     "Yea? What's up?"

     "I found out who that Mark guy really is. Why didn't you fucking tell me that he was the guy from that night? Hm? Please tell me why so I can refrain from killing you."

     "Ugh sorry. I should've thought you out of everyone would go digging for answers. I just.. didn't know how to tell you. But why call me about it at 2 in the morning? It's unnecessary and I want to go back to bed."

     "That's what I initially wanted to talk to you about. He's out on bail." 

     My body freezes from the sudden bombshell that was dropped on my shoulders. How is he out on bail? I told the police everything that happened to me three years ago and about how he was acting that night he met me by my car.

     "T-That's impossible. His bail was set for $900,000. How the fuck did he get his hands on a large amount of money?!"

     "'Tsumu calm the fuck down. It's not helping. I just found out 30 minutes ago from a close friend of mine who's working on your case. Trust me, I'm not any more thrilled than you are."

     "You know you just ruined my chances of getting back to sleep right? Bro, I'm tired. So tired from everything I've been enduring for the past few days. My body is literally exhausted."

     "Yea I know. Sakusa texted me about what's been going on with you."

     "Just meet me at your place later today. I want to discuss some things with you." I end the call and groan quietly in my hands that I placed over my face. A strong pair of arms snake their way around my waist and pull me down.

     I smile and set my phone down  on my bedside table before snuggling into Omi's protective arms that I so desperately need right now despite him being asleep.


     Took me longer than expected to get ready, with Omi pestering me with where I'm going. He's being oddly persistent about wanting to know where I'm going. I mean, it's not like I'm going to a dangerous location.

     "Fucking tell me where your going or else I'm going to tail your ass all the way there." He demands harshly, grabbing my waist and pushing me against the wall in the living room. Glaring a him up and down he groans in irritation.

     I keep my mouth shut and frown at him. Why am I making a big deal out of this anyway? ...Oh right, I'm talking about Mark with Osamu and unfortunately my forgetful ass never told Omi about him.

     Technically he knows, he just doesn't know that the guy who was choking me in that parking lot was the guy from three years ago. It still scares just remembering the sadistic smile on his face when I was struggling to breathe. 

     "Why won't you tell me Atsumu? I'm starting to think you don't trust me." His voice cracked at the end as his now watery black eyes stared directly into my brown ones. Okay yea, I can't lie to him anymore. 

     Sighing out of defeat I slid down the wall and hold my knees close to my chest. "I'm just going to ignore this anxiety and tell you straight up because I can't continue to push this situation away anymore."

     The raven kneels down in front of me and rubs the pad of his thumb over my knuckles. "Babe, you're scaring me."

     "I'm sorry I didn't tell you this sooner. It's not that I didn't trust you, it was just my own thoughts getting in the way. Mark, the guy you saw choking me... He's.. He's the guy who violated me three years ago."

     He falls silent causing me to look up at him to read his facial expression. It was oddly calm and relaxed, but I know better to assume it's only that. Most likely he's trying to keep his anger from exploding like a volcano. 

     "Haha, what?

     "You heard me, Omi."

     "Yea I did. Why the fuck didn't you tell me about this sooner? I would've done more than just pu-"

     "He's out on bail." I subconsciously blurt out, interrupting him.

     "How the fuck is he out on bail?! It doesn't make fucking sense! The police know what he did to you, right?"

     "Yes they do. His bail was set for $900,000 and he somehow was able to pay it. Anyway.. where I'm going; I'm going to Osamu's place. He called me at 2 in the morning to inform me that he's out walking the streets again."  

     "Jesus Christ Atsumu. Sometimes I think you're hiding more than I hope you are. Which is nothing by the way."

     "Yeah yeah. Now go get dressed so we can leave. You look like shit right now." A chuckle escapes my mouth as we both stand up, gesturing towards him. Messy black hair, baggy eyes, and the fact he hasn't showered in over 24 hours. Which is saying something for him since he's a clean freak.

     His eyes widen and he makes a dash for the bathroom, causing me to laugh a little bit as I walk over to the couch and sit down.

     I have an unsettling feeling that shit's about to go down. But I've basically said that multiple times already. 


     After arriving to Osamu's I barge in through the front door and see a few very unexpected people. Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Bokuto, Akaashi. What on earth?

     "As cliché as this sounds, you're probably wondering what they have to do with this." Osamu states bluntly as Suna clings to his arm. I nod dramatically, trying to wrap my head around this.

     Oikawa stands up and approaches me, placing his hands on my shoulders to get a good look at me. This is unsettling, very unsettling. "Osamu told us about Mark. You probably want to know what we have to do with this. Well, to put it shortly, you aren't the only one who had a run-in with him.." He says quietly, his body stiffening as he lets go.

     Iwaizumi rushes up and protectively wraps his arms around his waist. "Mhm. As far as we know, he's only been after three people. You, Akaashi, and Oikawa. For those two, I have no idea what his intentions are. But with you it's blatantly clear with what he wants." Bokuto states harshly, obviously in his emo state of mind at the moment.

     He gulps before Osamu finishes for him. "He wants to have you, or in other words, get what he never got the chance to three years ago." 

     What. The. Fuck.


A/N: I've only had four hours of sleep. Been tossing and turning all damn night. 




Fun Fact: I have a 13 year old black cat that I've had since I was four, and I love her more than myself.

Word Count: 1391

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