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S a k u s a

     "What the hell happened?" An angry, paranoid, and worried voice calls from behind me. I lean back in the chair knowing exactly who it is. A grey haired male steps in front of me, slowly grabbing my attention. 

     Not wanting to answer I look back down and run the pad of my thumb over my bruised bandaged knuckles. Osamu groans and sits down two seats away from me, placing his elbows on his legs and locking his fingers together.

     "Sakusa, I get that you're scared and angry, but for the love of god! Tell me what happened!" He shouts as he stands back up and sits in the seat directly in front of me. I lift my head up and glare at him.

     I feel nothing. Absolutely nothing. The only emotion that's coursing through my body is worry for Atsumu. When the fire department and police got there, a crowd had gathered. I remember the stinging sensation in my knuckles after I punched the guy who had his dirty hands on Atsumu.

     "Want the short or long version?" I ask raising a brow. Osamu hesitates before answering, "Long version please." 

     "Very well then." Sitting up, I grab my bottle of water and chug it before speaking. "Atsumu went to the store to get some more cleaning supplies and junk food, and used the excuse that the doctor wanted him to gain some more weight. 30 minutes later I got a notification that Atsumu had sent me his location."

     "I was confused at first but then it dawned at me that something must've happened. So I hauled my ass to his location; the very end of the parking lot in front of a grocery store. When I got there my heart dropped when I saw him fall to the ground after kicking some guy in the nuts. Before that, I think the man was choking him."

     "I noticed that Atsumu's neck was badly bruised. The anger I felt in that moment. It felt like the devil had taken over my soul at that moment. So I punched the guy in the face. The power of the punch bruised my knuckles. I have no regrets other than that I should've been with Atsumu." 

     "When the fire department and police got there, a couple officers questioned me, although I wasn't really paying attention. Before the paramedics put Atsumu in the ambulance I asked them if he was okay." 

     "He told me, like I thought, that his neck was badly bruised and that his air way could very well be damaged. I also found out the guys name; it's Mark." I finally finish and look up to see Osamu's expression. 

     His facial expression; shock, worry, and anger. He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. 

     I'm so tired. Both emotionally and physically. A lady in her early twenties walks to Osamu and I, her long natural red hair swaying from her movements. The grey eyes look down to meet mine and I can't help the feeling of uneasiness.

     "Are you Kiyoomi Sakusa? Atsumu Miya's boyfriend?" The disgust is clear when she said boyfriend. I can already tell she's no good. Honestly I thought homophobic people went extinct. But I guess not.  

     Nodding, I stand up towering over her with my arms crossed over my chest. She gulps and clears her throat before speaking. "He's r-ready to be discharged. J-Just make sure he doesn't speak too much. A-And make sure he drinks a lot of w-water." I'm having an extremely fun time watching her stutter from fear. 

     "Hm, thank you. Please get another nurse to walk him out to me. I don't trust you or your homophobia." A smile creeps onto my face as she flushes and walks away with a stiff walk. I scoff and sit back down and close my eyes. 

     Osamu chuckles before speaking, grabbing my attention. "Thank you for protecting my brother, even if it wasn't totally necessary punching the guy." He states as he leans back in his chair. 

     "Oh come on Osamu, you'd do the same thing." I say nonchalant, my eyes still shut tight, trying to suppress a yawn. He hums a yes, pulling out his phone to text someone.

     My eyes shot open at the sound of a nurse talking to Atsumu. I stand up and rush over to the blonde, pulling him into my arms as a small tear escapes. He lets out a relieving sigh and wraps his arms around my waist, digging his nose into the crook of my neck.

     "Ugh I still don't like all of this PDA shit between you two." Osamu states bluntly from the side of us with a brow raised and his eyes crossed. I roll my eyes and pull away after pressing a soft kiss onto Atsumu's cheek. 

     Atsumu frowns sarcastically at Osamu and I know exactly what he's wanting to say. "Hah? Suna and I do not show public display of affection. Check your facts before you talk trash or I'll swat your ass!" Osamu says with a defending tone. 

     Atsumu and I exchange glances and raise a brow at the angry grey haired brother. "I- Yea yea! Alright! Just get home. You two have been through a lot today and you both seem exhausted." He says before walking out the hospital doors and to his car. 

     He isn't wrong though. I'm exhausted but I can only imagine how tired 'Tsumu must be. I mean, he got choked, he got scared, he went to the hospital. What else do you expect from someone who went through that? To be very awake and hyper? No, it's quite the contrary.

     I grab onto 'Tsumu's hand and walk out to the car before helping him inside and driving home. 


     After I park in our respective spot and turn off the car, I let out a sigh and look over at my boyfriend who's sleeping. His head against the window. Heh, cute.

     I pick him up bridal style and walk him into the apartment, slowly walking to the bedroom to lay him down. "Why couldn't you stay awake long enough to change on your own?" I whisper as I change and him into white sweatpants and a black tank top. 

     Walking over to my side of the bed and turning off the light, I carefully climb in next to 'Tsumu and run my hand through his blonde hair. "Goodnight my sweet baby bee. I love you," I say just before placing a kiss on his forehead and closing my eyes. Drifting off into my own world.


A/N: Ok yea, I'm tired as hell. And this isn't normal for me. Ugh, I'm sorry if it became sloppy. I wanted to publish it now for some reason. Don't worry though, there's still more to come. Just give me time for those next ones. Also, 200 reads? Huh.. I'm happy.. Anywayyy, have a good night/day! <3




Word Count: 1166

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