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S a k u s a 

     When I walked into the nurse's office, I was greeted by a sweet old lady who spoke in a raspy but soft voice. My eyes drifted to Atsumu who was trembling under a blanket. 

     "Atsumu caught a mild case of the flu. He threw up twice after he got here. Poor thing is exhausted and nervous. Please take good care of him." The nurses says sweetly with a hint of empathy in her voice. 

     I nod as she turns around and walks to her desk to write down something on a sticky note. 

     I hate this, I absolutely hate this. Please Sakusa, don't freak out. Your boyfriend is sick and needs your love and affection. 

     "Here's a list of home remedies to help his nausea and calm his nerves down." The nurse says as she hands me a yellow sticky note. I hesitantly take it and nod, putting it into my pocket as I walk over to a tired Atsumu.

     "Hey baby.. could you move a little so I can carry you?" I ask in a soft reassuring voice. 

     Atsumu flutters his eyes open and shakes his head, no. Huh? "No Omi- I- I mean, Sakusa. You'll get uncomfortable..." He says with a trembling voice. This is breaking my heart more than it already is.

     "I don't care Atsumu, you're sick, and I need to take care of you." 

     'Tsumu purses his lips, and furrows his brows in thought before finally nodding, giving in. He sits up and I pick him up bridal style and walk out of the school.

     Pulling out my car keys carefully, I press the unlock button to my 2020 red Jeep Wrangler, and set Atsumu down in the front passenger seat.

     He fell asleep.

     I walk to the back seat, open the door, and grab one of my hoodies. I then close the door quietly and put the (I'm having serious deja vu like I've done this scene before or something 😭) hoodie on Atsumu to keep him warm.

     After buckling his seat belt, I close the door and walk to the driver's side and hop in. I turn the key in the ignition and the vibration of the car starting makes Atsumu stir a little. 

     Carefully reversing out of the parking space, and driving out of the lot, I roll down Atsumu's window to let some cool evening air in.


     I don't understand why Atsumu chose this apartment complex that's an hour away from the school. I mean, I'm not really complaining. Driving is relaxing. Especially when it's raining. 

     By the time we left the school, which was like at 5:50, it was already sunset. You know it's winter when it gets dark sooner. 

     I flip on the right turn signal and slowly turn to drive up the long but slim road leading up to a large white and dark grey color scheme complex with three floors. "Ngh.." Atsumu stirs, grabbing my attention as I glance over at him. He's uncomfortable, probably another nausea attack.

     Once I park under our respective covered parking spot, I take the keys out of the ignition after rolling up Atsumu's window. I sigh and open the door and walk over to the passenger side to pick Atsumu up. 

     He groans and digs his nose into the crook of my neck, causing my face to heat up slightly. I close both doors quietly and once I'm at a good distance, I press the lock button on the keys and hear the muffled beep of the car as rain started to hit the metal over the parking spots.

     Atsumu isn't as heavy as he used to be, and now that I think about it, I'm not catching him eating junk food anymore. Honestly I'm not entirely sure if that's a good or bad thing.

     Once I open the door to the second floor apartment and walk in, I slowly make my way to our bedroom to set him down. 

     Tiredly, I make my way to the closet to grab some clothes for both me and Atsumu. He won't be happy about me changing him, but he's passed out, and I really don't want to risk waking him up. Hopefully he'll sleep through out the night and not wake up. Good thing it's Friday.

     After changing him, I take off my shirt and my pants before pulling on some black sweat pants. I then climb into bed as I turn off the light, and wrap my arms around Atsumu, and pull him close.

     My eyes scan his face and my heart melts at how beautiful he is. The lights from outside peek through the blinds and land on his figure. 

     I'm trying Atsumu, I promise I'm trying.


A t s u m u

     Warmth covers my face as the sun peeks through the blinds. I flutter my eyes open and sit up, yawning, and stretching. Ugh, I have a pounding headache.

     What even happened? I don't remember coming here last night. Unless Sakusa brought me home.. and... changed.. me..

     I lift up the covers and turn to place my feet on the cool grey wooden floor. I turn around and notice something missing. Sakusa. 

     "S-Sakusa?" I say weakly before foot steps approach the bedroom from the living room down the hall. The faint sound of the TV giving me some peace of mind.

     A tall broad shouldered man leans against the doorway, his black wavy hair askew over his forehead. I smile at Sakusa and try to stand up, but my body is too weak. He rushes over to me and places his hands on my shoulders.

     "You need to stay in bed. You're body is very weak from throwing up yesterday. I'll bring you some water and food, just stay in bed. The only exception is going to the bathroom, and lucky for you, it's close by." He says softly, looking at me with his black eyes.

     "Hmmmm.. fine. But wait," I pause and he looks at me curiously with a slight head tilt. Adorable. "Did you change me?" I deadpan and his face flushes a little red which is more of a reaction than I usually get.

     He simply nods and stands up to go walk back to the kitchen. I stand up slowly and walk into the bathroom which was located on the opposite side of the grey wall where the closet was. The bedroom TV mounted on the wall in the center, directly facing the bed. 

     I close the door and stare at my reflection. I'm so mentally exhausted it hurts.





Word Count: 1109

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