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Warning: triggers

A t s u m u

     It's over.

     It's finally over.

     Mark is finally dead.

     The aftermath was chaotic. I lost my composure when Omi fell over after being shot. Lev took the guy down and Kuroo rushed over to Omi's side just in time to keep him from hitting the ground. The cries that escaped my mouth were both joy, and sadness. 

     I blacked out when Osamu was carrying me outside. Apparently, according to Osamu, I had a pseudoseizure. A pseudoseizure occurs as a result of physiological reasons, such as severe mental stress. 

     Followed by my already destroyed body, I was rushed to the hospital code 3. When I woke up I was in a very clean hospital room. The walls are a shiny black quartz, same with the cabinets. The counters white, giving the black room some accents. 

     A large black TV was mounted above the glass sliding door entrance to the room. To my right, Omi is sleeping with his hand clutched onto his right side, his eyes shut tight. Large windows overlooking the valley. Our beds are facing the glass sliding doors and the TV above it. 

     My body is sore as I sit up and groan at the pain, gritting my teeth. Everything hurts. My face feels like I repeatedly got hit with a shovel. Okay, now I'm just thinking negatively. I need to stop.

     "Dammit 'Tsumu, lay back down." A soft but menacing voice sounds from above me as the glass sliding doors open. I lift my gaze up to see Suzuki and a woman with dyed white hair. Groaning, I toss my body back down, a sharp pain erupting in my body at the impact. 

     "So this is the boyfriend Sakusa mentioned. Damn, no wonder he was worried about you. I'm Avery Hansen, nice to meet you." The platinum blonde says with a bright smile. This girl gives off slut vibes. Better not go assuming things though.

     I roll my eyes and stare at the ceiling as a show plays on the TV in the background. I think it's called Erased. Suzuki walks over to the right side of my hospital bed and pinches my arm, earning a yelp in response.

     "Ow! What was that for?"

      "That was for being rude." She then slaps me upside the head. What the fuck is wrong with her. "And that was for scaring me. I thought you were going to die." Okay now she's acting weird.

     "Hands off me, you crazy." 

     "You've got spunk. I like it. But why are you so cranky?" Avery pouts, crossing her arms over her chest.

     "Well for one, you talked to my Omi. Secondly, this crazy bitch pinched me and slapped me. Thirdly, I'm in pain. Lastly, Omi hasn't woken up yet." My eyes drift over to the right of me to look at Omi. His curly hair askew over his forehead, his eyes shut, and his torso bandaged up. 

     The girls go quiet as they look at me and to Omi. This is boring.

~ (time-skip a month.)

     "Omi.. I'm bored~ Let's.. do something..." I lean down over Omi's shoulder, with my hands placed firmly on them. He freezes up at the suggestive tone as he stares at his laptop screen.

     He let's out a sigh and turns around in his swivel chair and places his grip firmly on my waist. A smirk tugs at my lips, seeing him visibly debate it. I'm sure he's smart enough to grasp onto what I'm trying to do.

     I haven't lost my virginity to him yet. Hell I haven't lost it to anyone, not even fucking a girl. I'm sure he'd be pleased with knowing he's my first. Hopefully he'll be my only. But I swear to god if we get interrupted-

     A loud swing of the door break me from my thoughts as I turn my head to see Alisa standing in the doorway with a mischievous smirk on her face. Oh dear, here we go.

     "My god, Alisa. What the hell do you want?" My raven boyfriend huffs, leaning back in his chair and pinching the bridge of his nose with it. I scowl at him from the lack of hands on my waist. 

     "Just wanted to let you know, that the rest of us are going out to celebrate to celebrate Lyovochka's engagement to Yaku. Wanna come with?" Wait a second, HE PROPOSED?! Omi mumbles something as he opens his eyes, squinting at her.

     "I don't want to seem rude, but I have something I want to do." He says as he places his palm on the small of my back. Laying his chin on the palm of his other hand where his elbow is resting on the arm rest.

     Alisa raises a brow with a knowing glint in her eyes. "Ah alright boys, I'll just tell them that you have some important work to do." With that she leaves, closing the door behind her. A loud squealing from outside the door makes me flinch.

     A couple weeks ago when Omi was out with Kuroo, Bokuto, and Iwaizumi, she talked to me for a little bit. She said "it's going to happen soon, just you wait. You're gonna be in pain for days~." I had played dumb by pretending I didn't know what she was saying. 

     Knowing her though, she saw straight through my lie. Of course I've wanted this for a while, but I'm not entirely sure if I'm physically ready or not.

     "'Tsumu baby, can I say something?" Omi asks, causing me to turn around to face him. I nod, backing up to the edge of the bed and sitting down. He rolls over in the swivel chair and takes my hand.

     "I love you, Atsumu. So much. I want to protect you, be there for you, help you, love you, caress you. Before I met you, I was a mess. A germophobic mess. I never let anyone near me. I never let anyone speak. But when we met.. and you made it your mission to talk to me and become my friend.. I was overrun with happiness. Someone wanted me. You wanted me. I'm sorry I acted upon my worry and stress. I hurt you, and I hate myself for it. Baby, I love you. I want to become one with you..." 

     He pauses. Tears are falling down my cheek, leaving my eyes red and puffy. 

     "Will you... Marry me?" 

      There it is.

     My breaking point.

     He loves me. And I love him.

     Without a moments hesitation, I cover my mouth with my eyes squinted and tears running down my face. I nod in response to his question and lunge into his arms, connecting our lips in the process.


A/N: Yea it's probably obvious this is ending soon. The next chapter will be smut- so um- eheh.... don't read it if you don't like it. :|




Fun Fact #13: I'm not sure if this is a fun fact or not, but I have three anxiety disorders. PTSD, General Anxiety, and Social Anxiety. Unfortunately, I suffer with more mental disorders, but that doesn't stop me in daily life, anymore. 

Word Count: 1201

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