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S a k u s a 

     Everything has been so hectic, even in my sleep. The dream I had was a mixture of different things and you can guess it wasn't very pleasant at all. 

     The one part of it that I remember so vividly, already ruined my day. I was tied to a chair with a rag in my mouth, under a dangling cheapo light that swayed whenever the ground vibrated. In front of me was Atsumu shoving his ass willingly into Mark's crotch. Ugh just thinking about it gives me a headache.

     But I know that  is was only a dream, and it wasn't real. Besides, when I woke up, Atsumu was sleeping next to me in a weird position. One arm under the pillow and the other dangling off the side of the bed while his face was buried into the pillow. 

     The sunlight seeps through the automatic frosted glass, casting a dim light in the room. Honestly I could get used to this. Maybe in the future it'll happen. But for now, I need to figure out how I found 'Tsumu cuddling with a black dog after I walked back into the bedroom from the bathroom.

     Standing at the foot of the bed with my hands on my hips, the dog lifts it's head from my boyfriend's neck and stares at me dead in the eyes with it's brown eyes.

     "You know, you're gonna have to move because that's my boyfriend you're snuggling with."

     Seriously how did it get in here? Judging by the ears and how the body looks, it's most likely a German Shepherd. Black GSD's are fucking expensive, ranging from $700 to $2000. 

     I gave up trying to get the dog to move without waking 'Tsumu up. He may be a deep sleeper, but when he's woken up by someone other than himself, he turns into a grumpy 'I'm not going to take your shit today' type of mood. 

     I remember one day when I woke him up because we had to go someplace, and he just straight up ignored me the entire day. Literally he put his pointer finger on my mask to get me to shut up whenever I started talking. Back then I wasn't really taking his attitude very well.  

     "Ah there you are Rycker! Get your butt out of here and leave Sakusa and Atsumu alone." A female voice calls from the door leading to the hallway. Turning my body around, a girl with pale skin, long light blonde hair, and what seems to be Heterochromia eyes. One a light blue, the other a light brown.

     She smiles at me and introduces herself. "Hi! I'm Lev's sister, Alisa." Ah, so that's why she looks so familiar. 

     "Kiyoomi Sakusa."

     "I was sent by Kuroo to wake the two of you up. But I see one of you is already awake. I guess you will do, so come with me."

     I wonder what he wants. Before I left the room I looked back to look at Atsumu, who's now sleeping on his back. Dammit why is he so adorable.

     Alisa guides me down stairs and turns the corner into a long corridor and walk into a room with a long table in the middle and chairs surrounding it. Kuroo sits at the end with Kenma sitting next to him in one of the seats.

     "Thank you, you may leave Alisa." 

     I'm so confused. After Alisa leaves and closes the door behind her, Kuroo gestures for me to sit in any chair. My immediate pick was a chair facing the table and a long glass wall that showed the forestry surrounding the area.

     "So, what is it that you want? And why did you want Atsumu to come?" Unintentionally my words come out hostile, causing the blonde to flinch and grab onto the taller male's suit sleeve. He glared at me and oh my god it sent shivers down my spine, and in a bad way.

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