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S a k u s a

     "Sakusa.. Exposure therapy? Why?" Komori asks crossing his arms and sitting back in the sofa. I sigh and nod. 

     He raises a brow and stares at me from the opposite side of the living room. "What's the big deal?" I ask, leaning my back against the wall.

     "There is no big deal. I'm just shocked is all. I mean, come on, Sakusa. Never once have you thought about exposure therapy. Why all of a sudden?" Komori sounds a little irritated, and I'm not sure why.

     "Is it wrong to want to change for the one you love?" I question bluntly, causing my cousin's eyes to widen as if he didn't see that coming. Honestly, I didn't either. It just slipped from my mouth. Dammit, who am I anymore?

     Atsumu changed me dramatically. 

     "Wow, okay. I did not see that coming, sheesh. Anyway, there's nothing wrong with that. But can I say something real quick?" 

     "Go ahead," I gesture with my hand for him to continue.

     Komori stands up and walks to the balcony, looking at the foggy covered town that's at the base of the apartment complex. 

     "You've basically changed for the better, Sakusa. Before you met Atsumu, you were a cold-hearted prick who was rude to everyone who tried to be nice to you. Hell, you were rude to me, and I'm your cousin for crying out loud." He pauses to look at me. "I'm just happy you found someone who makes you happy, who makes you want to change."

     I cringe at him and scrunch up my nose. "Wow that was super cheesy."

     "Hey, you know me. Cheesy is my middle name." He states, placing his hands on his hips.

     "Yea yea whatever. Anyway, I need to get ready. I'm supposed to go see Atsumu around 4. Soooo get out." I walk over to the front door and open it for him to leave. He scoffs and makes a mocking wave at me as he exits.

     I only had 5 hours of sleep when I got home. My mind was extremely busy, and that led to stress induced dreams. I remember the dream very vividly and I wish I didn't remember it. 

     My phone alarm goes off and I rush over to it to shut the alarm off. I had set my alarm for 3:10 so I can get ready and be out the door by 3:40.


     After pulling into a parking spot at the hospital, I remove the keys from the ignition, step out, and lock my car before heading into the hospital. 

     Once I enter through the glass sliding doors, I walk down the hall to where Atsumu's room is. I peek my head through the door and smile as a sleeping Atsumu comes into view.

     He's so precious when he sleeps. He looks so calm and peaceful, but I know better than to assume that he is actually calm and peaceful. Besides, he's been through a lot. And so have I.

     Walking over to the side of his bed, and sitting in a chair, I hold onto his hand and use my thumb to draw circles. I sigh and smile at him. 

     "Oh.. Hi Omi Omi.." Atsumu says sleepily, fluttering his eyes open and looking at me. My heart skips a beat at his sleepy voice. 

     "Hey baby. I'm sorry if I woke you up."

     "No no, it's fine. I needed to wake up anyway. an hour or two ago a nurse came in to wake me up because I had been asleep for 11 hours. But I went back to sleep. I couldn't keep my eyes open." 

     "You shouldn't be sleeping for that long, my love. It isn't healthy for you." I sit up and sit on the edge of Atsumu's hospital bed and grip his hand tighter.

     "I know Omi. I couldn't handle it though. I was exhausted.." tears start to well up in his eyes, and my heart drops at the sight of my lover holding back tears.

     I place my hand on his cheek and he smiles, leaning into the touch. "I'm sorry for everything I've done. I'll keep apologizing because I regret everything I did and said to you. I love you, 'Tsumu."

     Atsumu squeals and places his hands over his face. "Ah! Omi! You're making me blush! Stop it!" I laugh at his embarrassment and sit back down.

     "But I like making you blush. It's fun." My choice of words makes Atsumu squirm a little. 


     We talked for about 2 hours, and it was quite enjoyable surprisingly. Atsumu made me watch a movie with him. It was boring as hell, but he enjoyed it. That's all I care about.

     "My love, I need to get going visiting hours are almost over. I'll come back tomorrow okay? Then on Wednesday I'll pick you up." 

     Atsumu groans and pouts. "I don't want you to go Omi.. I want to get out of here. I feel like I can't breathe.." He says quietly, his voice cracking a bit. 

     I frown and take his hand, caressing it with my thumb. "I know, baby. But you need to regain your strength.." Atsumu sighs and nods. I let go of his hand and walk away hesitantly. 

     Once I'm out the door, I walk down the hall until I get to the reception desk. Won't hurt to ask if I can bring him home sooner..

     "Miss?" I ask, looking over the counter.

     A lady with brunette hair looks up from the computer. "Yes? What can I do for you?"

     "I was wondering if there's a possibility I could take Atsumu Miya home, tomorrow afternoon?"

     The brunette thins her lips in thought, before answering. "It depends on if you're willing to look after him and make him keep up on drinking and eating. When we ran a blood test, we estimated that he hadn't been eating properly for a few weeks." My heart can't keep taking in all of this shit about Atsumu. Makes me feel even more shitty.

     "He also needs to start taking anxiety medication, anti-depressants, and a medication for his insomnia." She continues, and my jaw falls open at the mention of insomnia. How much has he been hiding from me..

     I place my hand on the edge of the counter and pinch the bridge of my nose as a wave of dizziness passes through my head. Taking a couple breathes I direct my attention back to the receptionist. 

     "He lives with me, I'm his boyfriend. I'm more than willing to take care of him." I say, as a smile beams across the brunette's face. "Great! Happy to hear that! I'll talk to Dr. Nakamura and get some more details for you. You should get a call from him in a few hours with the official answer."

     A sigh of relief escapes my mouth and I nod. "Thank you." 


A/N: Most. Boring. Chapter. Ever. Working on a headache because my friend won't shut up about 365 Days. That movie sucks in my opinion. Probably because my ex and I used to watch it. But anyway, hope you enjoyed. Also.. I see 43 reads. So um, I surprised. >.>




Word Count: 1209

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