Chapter 98 - The Blood Swamps

Start from the beginning

As the marauder disappeared, the cage around the buff totem was lowered, and so I smashed it. The gate which I came in from opened up again and a hell knight ran at me. I swung my fist at him and whacked him around he head, expecting him to die to it, but no, he hit the floor and immediately leapt back up at me.

"Fucking Jesus Christ." I said as I grabbed onto his arm and swung him into a wall. As I did, I crushed his head into the wall and watched as a blue spirit hung in the air above him.

Use your plasma rifles lock on beam.

Ahsoka! I yelled into my head as I did like she said. I held the beam onto the soul for a few seconds before it exploded, sending out a shockwave as it did so.

Ahsoka, are you ok!?

I'm, dead (y/n). She replied.

Your life essence is at the Ingmore Sanctum, isn't it?

Yes it is. Please, hurry, I, I don't know how long I can hold off.

Hold off from what? I asked.

I, him! Ahsoka exclaimed as images of myself flashed through my mind.

Ahsoka, I will be there to save you soon! I yelled.

Please, for my sake, Urdak's, this realm's and our own, be quick. She begged.

I will be.

I felt as Ahsoka smiled before leaving me to fight and get as angry as possible.

I continued on my way through the swamp, decimating any demons which dared get in my way, before eventually, I came to the arena.

"If you defeat this arena, you will gain half of the shield." Vega said.

"Our scans indicate that hundreds have died trying to reach Ingmore." The intern from before said down my suit.

"I won't be joining them." I said as I stepped on the green pad and watched as tens upon tens of demons spawned in around me. I listened to their screams and rewatched that nightmare of Ahsoka being killed Infront of me and felt as the argent inside of me began to mount up to insane levels. Not as high as when I killed the icon and Sidious, but still, incredibly high.

Now! Ahsoka yelled.

I trusted her and let go of all of my argent energy out in a huge burst. I watched as hundreds of demons were evaporated again, leaving only a tyrant and a spirit buffed baron left alive.

I ran at the tyrant and grappled onto him before point blank blasting a shotgun round into his head and killing him.

I turned to the baron and began to unload rockets into him as he chased after me. He was insanely quick, but not very agile, meaning I could dash around corners and up walls and he couldn't really keep up. Eventually, after a lot of rockets, he got onto one knee and began to falter. As he did, I leapt at him and stuck my blade right through his neck, severing his windpipe, cauding him to choke almost immediately and die. As he did, the spirit inside of him appeared above him, like it did with the hell knight.

I pulled my plasma rifle our and held the trigger down on the beam as the spirit screamed in agony before exploding, just like the other one.

I looked around and saw that there was a knights sentinel holding half of a shield. I walked over to him and took the section from him.

"May you serve the Maykrs in all their glory." He said.

Yeah, whatever. Maykrs have no glory anymore. Not until Ahsoka takes rule.

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