I roll my eyes at the idiots. I should answer because I just know they won't leave me alone. "The mute girl. She bumped into me today and that made me mad. Then for the first time in years, a girl didn't look at me with lust so I followed her into the forest."

"That's it? The Great Aaron Black followed a girl in the forest and nothing happened?" Alex and his fucking curiosity I swear to fucking god.

"Yes that's it. I watched her while she sat on the edge of the cliff, doing absolutely nothing. Then I left. Fucking happy now?" I left out the part where I communicated with her...

"So you didn't make your presence known and she didn't talk to you?" I look at Dyl as if he's the dumbest person ever. Which he probably is. I don't even know why we're friends. It's mostly because his old man is mine's best friend.

"You're fucking stupid or what? She's mute dumbass. Of course she didn't talk to me. And no, I didn't make myself known, I just stayed in the shadow."

Both of my friends nod their head, then they get into a conversation that I have no willpower to listen to. I instead just focus on the road towards the underground.

We arrive after 5 minutes of certainly speeding more than supposed to on the road. We get out of the car and start walking towards what would look like a woman clothes shop but really only is the door to the underground. We go to the back door, like every other fighter, and knock on it. Spectators need to enter by the shop as the other door would be too small for everyone to enter.

"Who do you think you're going to fight?" I shrug at Alex's question. Mickey usually doesn't call me at the last minute for a fight. I have no idea what he's on about.

"Hopefully someone that you won't beat their ass up in two minutes. Your last fight was genuinely too easy. You literally knocked him out in one hit."

I only nod, agreeing with Dylan for once. For my last fight, Mickey put me against a guy who was barely 5'9" and he barely had any muscles on him. I knocked the poor guy in only one hit.

The trap on the metal door suddenly opens, revealing Mickey's eyes. "Aaron! Oh and Dyl and Alexander!" He barely finishes to say our name that he closes the trap to open the entire door. "Come in boys!"

We step into the little room that has Mickey's desk and money for the fighters. Alex and Dyl sit on the chairs while I lean against a wall.

"So, we've got this new guy that has been coming here to fight a couple of times. He's really good. Everyone we put against him, he defeated them. I wanted to know how good he really is, so I'm asking you if you want to fight in-" He looks at his watch, a frown making its way on his face. "-ten minutes?"

I look towards Dyl and Alex with eyebrows raised. I need to warm up before a fight. I'm not sure 10 minutes is enough for me to change and warm up. They shake their heads, thinking the same thing as me. "If you give me 20 minutes I'm in."

"Yea, he won't have enough time to warm up, Mickey. We really don't want him to hurt himself or something like that." I roll my eyes at Dylan's childish remark.

"Alright. In 20. Not more, not less. Go!"

Just like this, we leave his office towards the locker room where I keep one change of clothes as "in case". I put my shorts on and take off my shirt while the guys are going to the warm up room. I soon join them and start warming up.

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